Hoist the Colours 【扬起船旗】
Yo ho, haul together, hoist theColors high 唷吼 一起转航,扬起船旗
heave ho,thieves and beggars,never shall we die拉呀 小偷和乞丐,我们将永不死
The king and his men stole the queen From her bed and bound her in her
The seas be ours and by the powers Where we will well roam
我们拥有海洋和力量 我们该流浪何方e68a84e8a2ade799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94330
Yo ho, haul together, hoist theColors high 唷吼 一起转航,扬起船旗
heave ho,thieves and beggars,never shall we die拉呀 小偷和乞丐,我们将永不死
Some men have died and some are alive And others sail on the sea
with He keys to the cage and the Devil to pay we lay to Fiddler's Green!
有些人已安息 有些人仍活著 还有些人继续在海上航行
他的钥匙插入箱子里 恶魔将会实现我们航海者的梦!
The bell has been raised from it's watery grave do you hear it's sepulchral tone
钟声已从潮湿的墓地响起 你是否听到那阴森森的音调
We are a call to all, pay head the squall
我们召唤所有人 让啼哭声得到报偿
and turn your sail toward home! Yo ho, haul together Raise the colors high!
Heave ho!thieves and beggars, never say we die.
Hoist the Colours
叫“Drink Up Me Hearties(干杯吧,水手们)”,第一部中杰克和伊丽莎白百被困在孤岛的那天晚上,他们围着篝火,边喝朗姆酒边唱歌的时候度,他们唱的那首歌也是你说的那首。加勒比海盗1刚开头的小女内孩就是伊丽莎白,这首歌是杰克最喜欢的歌,容他曾说要教会所有的船员
Hoist the colour
不是e79fa5e98193e59b9ee7ad94333hoist the color
是这首:Yo-Ho (A Pirate's Life for Me)
Yo Ho, Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life For Me.
We pillage and plunder, we rifle and loot,
drink up me hearties, yo ho
we kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot,
drink up me hearties, yo ho
We extort and pilfer, we filch and sack
drink up me hearties, yo ho
Maraud and embezzle and even highjack,
drink up me hearties, yo ho
Yo Ho, Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life for Me
We kindle and char and inflame and ignite
drink up me hearties, yo ho
we burn up the city we're really a fright,
drink up me hearties, yo ho
we're rascals and scroundrels, we're villains and knaves,
drink up me hearties, yo ho
We're devils and blacksheeps, we're really bad eggs
drink up me hearties, yo ho
We're beggars and blighters and ne'er do well cads,
drink up me hearties, yo ho
Aye, but we're loved by our mammies 'n dads,
drink up me hearties, yo ho
Yo Ho, Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life for Me.