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美国的“国骂”是什么呢?也许fuck或fucking应该算是。常看美国电影、电视剧的人会,只要稍加留意,便会发现,无论男女老幼,他们总爱把fuck挂在嘴边上,其实那是个很不雅的词,大致相当于“他妈的”或者“我操”之类。查一下词典,fuck 有以下含义:Fuck v.taboo spoken1 fuck you/it/them etcused to show that you are very angry at something or someone, or that you do not care about them at allWell, fuck you then. I'll go on my own.2 [intransitive and transitive] to have sex with someone3 fuck meespecially British English used when you think something is surprising or impressive4 go fuck yourself/himself/themselves etcused to show you are very angry with someoneWhy don't you go fuck yourself!fuck around phrasal verb1 to waste time or behave in a silly or careless wayWill you two stop fucking around!2 fuck somebody around/aboutBritish English to make someone angry or annoyed by wasting their timeDon't fuck me around, OK?fuck off phrasal verbto go away - used especially to tell someone to go away in an extremely rude wayfuck somebody over phrasal verbto treat someone very badlyThey'll just fuck you over if you let them.fuck up phrasal verb1 fuck somebody upto make someone very unhappy and confused so that they cannot live normally or have normal relationshipsHeroin fucks you up.2 to make a mistake or do something badlyYou really fucked up this time.fuck something upI'm scared of fucking things up.fuck with somebody phrasal verbto annoy someone or make them angryI wouldn't fuck with Alfie if I were you.Fuck interj.tabooused when you are very annoyed about somethingFuck! I've forgotten my keys!Fucking adj.taboo spoken1 used to emphasize that you are angry or annoyedIt's none of your fucking business! I know fucking well you're lying to me. What the fucking hell are you staring at?2 used to emphasize your opinion of somethingThat's fucking good coffee. What a fucking idiot!上述用法中,凡属taboo (禁忌语),皆可视作“国骂”。Fuck 或 fucking 可以加e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e59b9ee7ad94330在一个短语、甚至一个单词中间,成了一种独特的骂法, 也成了一种独特的语法现象:Shut fuck up!Absofuckinglutely!

往往是不便说出口的话,因而能说是隐语(shadowlanguage),也可以说zhidao是“成为禁忌的语言”(tabooed words)。其中,尤其不便说出口的话有fuck(性交,干),因为刚好是四个字母,所以禁忌语也可以说成four-letter word(四字经)。此外,shit(大便)是四字,cock(阴茎)也是四字,所以four-letter word有“不便开口的话”之意




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