Tasman“Then have a match with me before you go . 在你去之前和我比试一下吧。I want to see if you have the ability to rescue Shana 我要看看你有没有能力救出席娜”
此时会出现两个 选项
1.Master,don't be silly 大师,别这样
2. Yes Master,Please 是,大师;请指教。
选择第一项后,Dart会说“Master ,please don't be silly. 大师,请别这样。With that wound , you cannot take my sword 。伤成那样,你连剑都拔不动了”
Tasman“With that kind of coufidence 【应该是confidence,怀疑游戏单词错了】,I guess I can be assured 有这样的信心,我想我可以放心了”Tasman感慨道。“I am going to go on a journey soon 我很快就要踏上新的旅程. if you think you need to practice more,ask me now. 如果你还需要练习的话,可以问我”
此后再问他,他则会说:“Do you need to practice with me?你想要与我进行练习吗?”
1.No,I am fine. 不,我还行。
2.Yes,Please. 是,请指教
无论最开始选择第二项,还是现在选择第二项;Tasman则会说:Then show your true power!Don't even think about being easy on 么 because of my injury!Shall we begin!?。然后进入战斗开始战斗教学,
进入战斗后,大师会说“I will remingd you about the ABC's of sword fighting I taught you ! ”然后出现四个选项
Addition Skills 连技相关
About Counterattacking 反击相关
About Defence 防御相关
Obtaining Additions 习得练技
I am fine 我练好了
选择Addition Skills 连技相关,大师会说:
“Select attacke command . Then the timing sight appears 选择攻击指令,然后会出现瞄准框”
“When this sight overlaps the 囗 in the center press the X button 当两个囗在中心重叠的时候,请按X键。”
“Gray 囗 means too fast 囗黯淡表示快了. Blue 囗 means too slow 囗蓝色表示慢了.White 囗 means Perfect 囗白色表示完美。
Now,come on 现在,开始练习吧
按错按7a64e78988e69d83364键会说 What's Wrong !!怎么了!!Never mind the wound !别气馁!
Show me your power!! !! 向我展示你的力量!!
How are you doing ?你感觉怎么样?
One more time ?还需要练习吗?
Let me do it again 让我再次开始练习
I'm fine now 我现在练好了
如果慢了会说 You're pressing too slow 你按得也太慢了 !
They enemy won't wait for you 敌人可不会等你!
How are you doing ?你感觉怎么样?One more time ?还需要练习吗?
Let me do it again 让我再次开始练习
I'm fine now 我现在练好了
如果快了会说You're pressing too quick 你按得也太快了 !
Don't rush . Be methodical.别太快,要有条不紊.
How are you doing ?你感觉怎么样?One more time ?还需要练习吗?
Let me do it again 让我再次开始练习
I'm fine now 我现在练好了
如果完美会说 Yes !Good!
How are you doing ?你感觉怎么样?One more time ?还需要练习吗?
Let me do it again 让我再次开始练习
I'm fine now 我现在练好了
选择About counterattacke 反击相关,大师会说:
Enemies don't wait around to be attaacked Sometimes they fight 敌人不会只等你攻击,有些时候也会反打回来。
During the attack,they might show hints of a counterattacke 攻击期间,我们可能会发现反击的预兆
press the 〇 button when the red counterattack sight appears overlaying the 囗.红色囗覆盖到中间时,请按〇键。
Failure,exposes you to an attack and you're blown away. 失败,你的攻击失误;你会被弹飞
A multiple attack ends there. 在这个段数,你的连招被终结
Now,come on 现在,开始练习吧
按错按键会说 Wrong button 按错键!Watch the enemy's moves carefully!!观察敌人动作要仔细!!
Are you ready for the counterattack ?你还要继续练习反击吗?出现两个选项
Show me again 请再次展示
That's enough 已经足够了
如果慢了会说 You're pressing too slow 你按得也太慢了 ! They enemy won't wait for you 敌人可不会等你!
Are you ready for the counterattack ?你还要继续练习反击吗?出现两个选项
Show me again 请再次展示
That's enough 已经足够了
如果快了会说You're pressing too quick 你按得也太快了 ! Don't rush . Be methodical.别太快,要有条不紊.
Are you ready for the counterattack ?你还要继续练习反击吗?出现两个选项
Show me again 请再次展示
That's enough 已经足够了
如果完美会说 Yes !Good!
Are you ready for the counterattack ?你还要继续练习反击吗?出现两个选项
Show me again 请再次展示
That's enough 已经足够了
选择About Defence 防御相关,大师会说
Tactics are not merely swinging the sword . 战略上暂时停止拔剑攻击
During bad times,defend and wait for a chance !不利的时候,防御等待变化!
Defending helps recover HP a little and halves the damges. 防御会恢复一成HP,同时伤害减半。
Also it completely protects against attacks that cause an abnormal status 并且完全防御不利地异常状态
选择Obtaining Additions 习得练技,大师会说
Combat expericence lets you learn new skills .通过战斗获得经验,会让你觉醒新技能
Skills can be selected form ”Addition” on the System Screen.技能可在菜单界面选择
Select the skill before the battle .在战斗前选择技能。
You can't change in the battle!你不能在战斗中改变技能!
Each additional skill is unique. 每个连招都是有用地。
Some skills are easy to use ,some are powerful. 一些连招简单易于使用,一些连招力量强大。
Every skill seems good,but don't be fooled!每个技能看起来都很好,不要被欺骗!
The secret of survival is to select the skill that suits you!秘密就是选择适合你的技能!
Even a beginner's Double Slash can effective。新手使用二段斩是非常安定有效地。
It depends on your skill . Remember !它的使用取决于你的技术,要牢记在心!
选择 I am fine 我练好了,直接退出战斗。大师会说
I am going to go on a journey soon 我很快就要踏上新的旅程.
if you think you need to practice more,ask me now. 如果你还需要练习的话,可以问我
此后再问他,他则会说:“Do you need to practice with me?你想要与我进行练习吗?”
No,I am fine. 不,我还行。
2.Yes,Please. 是,请指教