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天使瀑布是zhidao电影《飞屋环游记》中的“仙境瀑布”(Paradise Falls)的原型,它名字来自詹姆斯·安赫尔(James Angel),虽然电影《美梦成真》里罗宾·威廉姆斯(Robin Williams)从这里纵身跳下的情景给人一种错觉,似乎跳下去就可以变成天使。



The film selected the elderly, children and dogs as three elements that symbolize peace and purity in any cultural background, and designed them an adventure that has nothing to do with big cities and modernization and is close to fairy tales.  


In fact, the theme of the film does not have much breakthrough. The loneliness of city people, their persistence in dreams and their love for nature.


Carl is an old man with a strange temper and a child as fat as a ball, ronaldinho, looks silly.  The main line of " Flying House" is not complicated, but it has its own unique place.


For example, it took nearly 20 minutes at the beginning of the film to describe how Carl and Ellie got to know each other, fell in love with each other and stayed together until they reached old age.


Except for the childhood when Ellie and Carl showed their personalities, there was almost no dialogue, that is, they were so close to perfect " the process of accompanying you to grow old slowly" that emotions came silently without words stirring up.


However, the creator did not change a place with one shot. This seemingly unrelated memory became Carl's biggest motivation to create a flying house and even reshape himself, and repeatedly pushed forward the plot transition at several key points. 


The main character's design also has small surprises. Carl is not a kind-hearted grandfather. He is somewhat eccentric and violent in order to protect his wife's belongings.


The child ronaldinho is as fat as a ball. he looks silly and talks a lot of nonsense. these details, which contradict the conservative aesthetic view, have repeatedly erupted into comedy sparks. 


in addition, Pixar's striking supporting role continues to explode into comedy skills. the design of the talking dog group best reflects Pixar's small ingenuity.







介绍:e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94e59b9ee7ad94339Carl Fredricksen spent his entire life dreaming of exploring the globe and experiencing life to its fullest. But at age 78, life seems to have passed him by, until a twist of fate (and a persistent 8-year old Junior Wilderness Explorer named Russell) gives him a new lease on life.
Production Status: Released

Genres: Action/Adventure, Comedy, Kids/Family and Animation

Running Time: 1 hr. 29 min.

Release Date: May 29th, 2009 (wide)

MPAA Rating: PG for some peril and action.

Distributors: Buena Vista Pictures Distribution

Production Co.: Pixar Animation Studios

Studios: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

U.S. Box Office: $187,425,989

Produced in: United States

A young Carl Fredrickson meets a young adventure spirited girl named Ellie. They both dream of going to a Lost Land in South America. 70 years later, Ellie has died. Carl remembers the promise he made to her. Then, when he inadvertently hits a construction worker, he is forced to go to a retirement home. But before they can take him, he and his house fly away. However he has a stowaway aboard. An 8 year old boy named Russell, who's trying to get an Assisting the Elderly badge. Together, they embark on an adventure, where they encounter talking dogs, an evil villain and a rare bird named Kevin.




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