克里斯廷达埃之所以能够有出色的表演,是因为有位神秘的老师暗中教授达埃 。这位被达埃称作音乐天使的老师其实就是巴黎歌剧院的幽灵。歌剧院幽灵的真名叫埃里克,是个音乐家建筑师和魔术师于一身的奇才。然而不幸的是,他的面孔被毁了容,外表很丑陋,因此常常使人受到惊吓并遭到人们的厌恶,所以他不得不戴上面具,住在巴黎歌剧院的地下室中,成为传说中的幽灵。
In the novel <The Phantom of the Opera>, there is a character who is very fascinating—Erik.
People in the Opera House are afraid of him because they think he is a ghost. He kills Joseph because he doesn’t like people taking about him. His outward appearance is horrifying. He has the face of a dead man, no nose, just two black holes in his yellow face. His eyes are black holes sometimes and have a terrible red light. He also sends a letter to the two new directors of the Opera House to ask them never sell tickets for Box 5 and pay him 20, 000 francs a month. But the directors don’t follow the words of the ghost. So Erik sends a second letter to blame the directors and ask them to let Christine sing Faust again instead of La Carlotta. At that night, he makes the chandelier goes down and La Carlotta can’t sing anymore. He is so dangerous that most people afraid him and regard him as a ghost.
He is good at singing opera. He is an angle of music. Christine becomes famous because of the guide of him. He takes her through many secret doors and passages, down, down under the Opera House. There is a big lake with black and cold waters. He takes her across the lake in a boat to his house. He just wants Christine to love him and marry him. Christine say “For this minute, I am your wife” and put her arms around Erik’s neck and kiss him slowly and lovingly on his ugly mouth. Then Erik allows Christine run out with her lover Paoul because he just has the feeling of being loved at the first time. He just wants to be loved at all.
Finally, Erik dies and Christine marries Paoul. He dies with satisfaction.
I like this character because of his sad experience, his talent and his tolerance to Christine. He is an angle! He is an angle who just falls down from the Heaven instead of a ghost!
安德鲁·洛依德·韦伯(Andrew Lloyd Webber)英国著名音乐剧作曲家。1994年韦伯名列《戏剧周刊》杂志编写的美国戏剧界最有影响力的100人之榜首。在美国和英国以及全世界,任何一个时候,都至少有他的十几个巡回演出团在各大城市演出韦伯的音乐剧。
他为其父写的"安魂曲"和他的"变奏曲"合起来制成的专辑成为销量最大的专辑,以及后来的"首演集"专辑成为三倍白金辑(即销量超过六万百万套)。韦伯的第二个妻子萨拉-布莱特曼演唱的"安魂曲"中的流行单曲,进入英国前10名排行榜。1996年为巴塞罗那奥运会创作会歌"生命之友"。韦伯是改写音e69da5e6ba90e79fa5e98193366乐剧历史的最伟大的音乐家之一 。
《歌剧魅影》,Phantom of the Opera,韦伯的经典之作,四大音乐剧之首,被奉为音乐剧的代表。改编于法国作家卡斯顿·勒胡(Gaston Leroux)的小说《Le Fantom De L'opera》。它在当时其实并不是很有名的小说,但是在二十年代,它却成为无声电影和早期恐怖电影的宠儿。即使是中国,解放前也有一部《夜半歌声》是根据此书改编的,可见其影响力之大。本来是一个可怕的故事,韦伯却把Phantom写成了一个有知识有灵魂的,优秀的建筑师、作曲家、魔术师,他的悲剧是爱上了美丽的Christine。与之前的导演相比,韦伯笔下的Phantom多情、邪气、才华横溢又专一,生活在黑暗的另一个世界。
《Phantom of the Opera》这首歌了。莎拉.布莱曼的高音和克劳福德华美的中音完美结合,歌者激情澎湃,听者波涛汹涌,营造了阴森紧张气氛。另一首是男声独唱《the music of the night》也很经典,克劳福德用低缓的声音慢慢地倾诉着恋爱时心理改变,温柔细腻,伤感期待。