功夫熊猫2 (Kung Fu Panda2)(2011) 游客 (The Tourist)(2010)又名《致命伴旅》 特工绍特 (Salt)(2010) 通缉令 (Wanted) 又名 杀神特工 、刺客联盟 (2008) 换子疑云 (Changeling) (2008) 安吉丽娜出席活动(19张)功夫熊猫 (Kung Fu Panda) (2008) 贝奥武夫 (Beowulf) (2007) 坚强的心 (A Mighty Heart) (2007) 特务风云 (The Good Shepherd) (2006) 史密斯夫妇 (Mr. and Mrs. Smith) (2005) 亚历山大大帝 (Alexander) (2004) 空军上校和未来世界 (Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow) (2004) 鲨鱼故事 (Shark Tale) (2004) 机动杀人 (Taking Lives) (2004) 超越边界 (Beyond Borders) (2003) 古墓丽影2 (Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life) (2003) 天算不如人算 (Life or Something Like It) (2002) 无影终结者 (Cyborg 2) (2002) 原罪 (Original Sin) (2001) 古墓丽影 (Lara Croft: Tomb Raider) (2001) 证据拼图 (Without Evidence) (Gathering Evidence) (2000) 极速60秒(致命60秒)(Gone in Sixty Seconds) (2000) 女生向前走(移魂女郎) (Girl Interrupted) (1999) 神秘拼图(人骨拼图/拾骨者)(The Bone Collector) (1999) 空中塞车 (Pushing Tin) (1999) 地狱兄弟 (Hell's Kitchen) (1998) 霓裳情挑(吉娅)(Gia) (1998) 随心所欲 (Playing by Heart) (1998) 洛城疑云 (Playing God) (1997) 风云传奇 (George Wallace) (1997) 安吉丽娜朱莉e68a84e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94339电影海报(20张) 真正的女人 (True Women) (1997) 摩哈维的月亮 (Mojave Moon) (1996) 爱总如此 (Love Is All There Is) (1996) 恶女帮 ( Foxfire) (1996) 无证可寻 (Without Evidence)(1995) 黑客 (Hackers) (1995) 风月俏佳人 (beauty woman)(1994) 电子人2 (Cyborg)(1993) 安吉拉/爱丽丝&Viril (Angela / Alice & Viril) (1993 ) 挺不错的!!!向你推荐
安吉丽娜·朱莉/安洁莉娜·裘莉 Angelina Jolie电影作品列表:(一共 85 个电影作品) 作为导演的电影作品(数量:1)A Place in Time ------- (2007) 作为演员的电影作品(数量:80)第81届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 81st Annual Academy Awards ------- (2009)
The Mercenary: Love and Honor ------- (2009)
换子疑云/陌生的孩子(台)/换命谎言(港)/调包婴儿(其他e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94e4b893e5b19e366) Changeling ------- (2008)
通缉犯/刺客联盟(台)/杀神特工(港) Wanted ------- (2008)
功夫熊猫 Kung Fu Panda ------- (2008)
Atlas Shrugged ------- (2008)
贝奥武夫/贝奥武夫:降龙伏魔(台)/魔战王贝奥武夫(港) Beowulf ------- (2007)
Confessions of an Action Star ------- (2007)
Larry King Live: The Greatest Interviews ------- (2007)
Live from the Red Carpet: The 2007 Golden Globe Awards ------- (2007)
Penélope, camino a los Oscar ------- (2007)
坚强的心/无畏之心 A Mighty Heart ------- (2007)
Domestic Violence: Shooting Mr. & Mrs. Smith ------- (2006)
"Space Top 10 Countdown" Video Game Movies ------- (2006)
Forbes Celebrity 100: Who Made Bank? ------- (2006)
特务风云/牧羊人/好牧人 The Good Shepherd ------- (2006)
VH1 News Presents: Hollywood Secrets Revealed - Scenes They Don't Want You to See ------- (2006)
史密斯夫妇/史密斯行动/史密夫决战史密妻 Mr. & Mrs. Smith ------- (2005)
Brave New World ------- (2005)
The Death of 'Alexander' ------- (2005)
A Fishified World ------- (2005)
MTV & Logo Present 'The Out 100' ------- (2005)
Star Fish of 'Shark Tale' ------- (2005)
Sledge: The Untold Story ------- (2005)
Stars on Trial ------- (2005)
52 Most Irresistible Women ------- (2004)
101 Biggest Celebrity Oops ------- (2004)
炽热心灵 The Fever ------- (2004)
Shark Tale: Gettin' Fishy with It ------- (2004)
鲨鱼故事/鲨鱼黑帮(台)/鲨胆大话王(港) Shark Tale ------- (2004)
亚历山大大帝/亚历山大帝 Alexander ------- (2004)
天空上尉与明日世界/空军上校和未来世界/空军上尉与明日世界/轰天战士决战明日世纪 Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow ------- (2004)
"Biography" Val Kilmer ------- (2004)
第76届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 The 76th Annual Academy Awards ------- (2004)
Premiere Women in Hollywood Awards ------- (2004)
On the Set of 'Alexander' ------- (2004)
机动杀人 Taking Lives ------- (2004)
古墓丽影2:生命之匙/古墓奇兵2:风起云涌/盗墓者罗拉生命之匙 Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life ------- (2003)
"What's Going On?" ------- (2003)
超越边界/缘起烽火蔓延时 Beyond Borders ------- (2003)
101 Most Shocking Moments in Entertainment ------- (2003)
The Orange British Academy Film Awards ------- (2003)
Celebrity Naked Ambition ------- (2003)
"Banzai" ------- (2003)
贸易妇女 Trading Women ------- (2003)
"Secrets of Superstar Fitness" ------- (2002)
The 59th Annual Golden Globe Awards ------- (2002)
所谓人生/天算不如人算/命运倒数/改命情缘 Life or Something Like It ------- (2002)
古墓丽影/古墓奇兵(台)/盗墓者罗拉(港) Lara Croft: Tomb Raider ------- (2001)
原罪/枕边陷阱/激情叛侣 Original Sin ------- (2001)
Lara Croft: Lethal and Loaded ------- (2001)
第73届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 The 73rd Annual Academy Awards ------- (2001)
第72届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 The 72nd Annual Academy Awards ------- (2000)
The 57th Annual Golden Globe Awards ------- (2000)
2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards ------- (2000)
6th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards ------- (2000)
急速60秒/惊天动地60秒/极速60秒/疾速60秒 Gone in Sixty Seconds ------- (2000)
移魂女郎/断了线的女孩/女生向前走/被禁锢的女孩/我有冇问题 Girl, Interrupted ------- (1999)
The Making of 'Girl, Interrupted' ------- (1999)
人骨拼图/神秘拼图/集骨者/骨中罪 The Bone Collector ------- (1999)
AFI's 100 Years... 100 Stars ------- (1999)
5th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards ------- (1999)
空中塞车 Pushing Tin ------- (1999)
随心所欲/从心所爱/用心演绎 Playing by Heart ------- (1998)
地狱兄弟/绝命捍卫战 Hell's Kitchen ------- (1998)
吉亚/霓裳情挑/霓裳风云 Gia ------- (1998)
洛城疑云 Playing God ------- (1997)
风云传奇/乔治·华莱士 George Wallace ------- (1997)
通向天堂之路/烽火佳人/边城妇女心 True Women ------- (1997)
Mojave Moon ------- (1996)
Love Is All There Is ------- (1996)
恶女帮/怒火赤子心 Foxfire ------- (1996)
黑客 Hackers ------- (1995)
证据拼图 Without Evidence ------- (1995)
"HBO First Look" ------- (1994)
Angela & Viril ------- (1993)
Alice & Viril ------- (1993)
无影终结者 Cyborg 2 ------- (1993)
"Biography" "Biography" ------- (1987)
朴克误我卅年/寻找出口 Lookin' to Get Out ------- (1982) 作为编剧的电影作品(数量:1) "Space Top 10 Countdown" Video Game Movies ------- (2006) 作为制片人的电影作品(数量:2)Trudell ------- (2005)
Lovesick ------- (2005) 作为其他职员的电影作品(数量:1)The Making of 'Girl, Interrupted' ------- (1999)