在游戏中按start菜单中option里的cheats输入,输入后并不是立即生效还需要进去一次选择on打开效果。不过需要注意的是,以下作弊码只做消遣之用,使用后游戏不能存档,不能获得成就! 7a686964616fe58685e5aeb9364 *大小写都可以不过需要注意空格* - 全部区域可通行:输入“YOU GOT YOURSELF A FINE PAIR OF EYES” - 主角无敌:输入“HE GIVES STRENGTH TO THE WEAK” - 无限子弹时间:输入“I DON’T UNDERSTAND IMNFINITY” - 无限弹药:输入“ABUNDANCE IS EVERYWHERE” - 武器包2:输入 “I’M AN AMERICAN. I NEED GUNS” - 降低悬赏级别:输入“THEY SELL SOULS CHEAP HERE” - 取消通缉效果:输入“I WISH I WORKED FOR UNCLE SAM” - 获得500美元:输入“THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL, WE THANK YOU” - 获得马匹:输入“BEASTS AND MAN TOGETHER” - 马匹体力无限:输入“MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINES” - 获得绅士服装:输入“DON’T YOU LOOK FINE AND DANDY” - 变更主角:输入“OH MY SON, MY BLESSED SON” - 变成普通人:输入“HUMILITY BEFORE THE LORD” - 改编画面效果:输入“THE OLD WAYS IS THE BEST WAYS”
你照着按一下不就完了么 先按机关枪 再按无限弹药 你说会出现什么?
cheat mode
Enter one of the following cheat code phrases to activate the corresponding cheat option. Note: Enabling a code will permanently prevent the game from being saved and achievements from being earned.
Lewis and Clark,解锁所有区域
Enter YOU GOT YOURSELF A FINE PAIR OF EYES as a code phrase to unlock all areas.
Decrease Bounty,消除通缉
Enter THEY SELL SOULS CHEAP HERE as a code phrase.
Enter THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL, WE THANK YOU! as a code phrase to get 0.
Enter BEASTS AND MAN TOGETHER as a code phrase to spawn a horse.
Infinite Horse Stamina,马无限体力
Enter MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINES as a code phrase.
Enter HUMILITY BEFORE THE LORD as a code phrase to become a nobody.
Old School,旧电影效果的滤镜?
Enter THE OLD WAYS IS THE BEST WAYS as a code phrase to enable the Sepia filter.
Enter HE GIVES STRENGTH TO THE WEAK as a code phrase.
Infinite Ammo,无限子弹
Enter ABUNDANCE IS EVERYWHERE as a code phrase.
Gun Set 2,枪械套装2
Enter IM(试试I AM) AN AMERICAN. I NEED GUNS as a code phrase to get the buffalo rifle, sawed-off shotgun, semi-auto pistol, Schofield revolver, Winchester repeater, and fire bottle x3.
Diplomatic Immunity,不会被通缉?
Enter I WISH I WORKED FOR UNCLE SAM as a code phrase. You will now have no bounty/wanted level.
Jack Attack,人物切换成JACK
Enter OH MY SON, MY BLESSED SON as a code phrase to change John into Jack, Johns son.
Infinite Dead Eye,无限死亡之眼
Enter I DONT(不行就试试试试DO NOT) UNDERSTAND IMNFINITY as a code phrase。
Sharp Dressed Man,解锁绅士礼服
Enter DONT(不行就试试试试DO NOT) YOU LOOK FINE AND DANDY as a code phrase to unlock the gentlemens suit.
Gun Set 1,枪械套装1
Enter ITS(不行就试试试试IT IS) MY CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT as a code phrase to unlock some weapons.
是不是这个? 话说你的是哪个版本啊?