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Keanu Reeves ,他有四分之一中国血统

One of the most inscrutable actors to ever hit it big, Keanu Reeves has been by turns adored, reviled, and grudgingly respected by the movie-going public. As the controversy over his talent rages on, his career choices and paychecks show him inching toward A-list status. Reeves, whose first name means "cool breeze over the mountains" in Hawaiian, was born in Beirut, Lebanon in 1964. His mother, Patricia, was a showgirl; his father, Samuel Nowlin Reeves, a geologist. After their marriage dissolved, Keanu moved with his mother and younger sister Kim to New York City, then Toronto. Stepfather #1 was Paul Aaron, a stage and film director - he and Patricia divorced within a year, after which she went on to marry (and divorce) rock promoter Robert Miller and hair salon owner Jack Bond. Reeves never reconnected with his biological father, who is now in prison on charges of cocaine possession. In high school, Reeves was lukewarm toward academics but took a keen interest in ice hockey (as team goalie, he earned the nickname "The Wall") and drama. He eventually dropped out of school to pursue an acting career.

After a few stage gigs and a handful of made-for-TV movies, he scored a supporting role in the Rob Lowe hockey flick Youngblood (1986), which was filmed in Canada. Shortly after the production wrapped, Reeves packed his bags and headed for Hollywood. Reeves popped up on critics' radar with his performance in the dark adolescent drama River's Edge (1986), but his first popular success was the role of totally rad dude Ted Logan in Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1989). The wacky time-travel movie became something of a cultural phenomenon, and audiences would forever confuse Reeves's real-life persona with that of his doofy on-screen counterpart. Over the next few years, Reeves tried to shake the Ted stigma with a series of highbrow projects. He played a slumming rich boy opposite River Phoenix's narcoleptic male hustler in My Own Private Idaho (1991), an unlucky lawyer who stumbles into the vampire's lair in Dracula (1992), and Shakespearean party-pooper Don Jon in Much Ado About Nothing (1993).

In 1994, the understated actor became a big-budget action star with the release of Speed (1994/I). Its success heralded an era of five years in which Reeves would alternate between largely unwatched small films, like Feeling Minnesota (1996) and The Last Time I Committed Suicide (1997), and unwatched big films like Johnny Mnemonic (1995) and Chain Reaction (1996). After all this Reeves did the unthinkable and passed on the Speed sequel, but he struck box-office gold again a few years later with the Wachowski brothers' cyberadventure The Matrix (1999). Despite his deadpan delivery style and reputation as an oaf, Reeves continues to reel in choice roles and fat paychecks. Whatever he knows, he's not telling the public--his self-deprecating interview tactics and mysterious private life provide little insight into his artistry. As far as Reeves is concerned, it seems, he's just a regular guy who rides a motorcycle, plays in a band (Dogstar), and shows up every now and then for a movie shoot.
最变幻莫测的演员之一,曾获得了成功,基努李维斯已经被转,辱骂,勉强的尊敬。看电影他的争论,他的职业生涯在人才泛滥的选择和工资记录表明他选的地位。王红兵,其名字意思是“凉爽的微风,在山上,出生在夏威夷的“1964年在黎巴嫩首都贝鲁特。他的母亲,帕特里夏,是个showgirl;他的父亲,撒母耳Nowlin。里弗斯,地质学家。他们的婚姻后解散,基努感动与他母亲和妹妹金去纽约,然后多伦多。继父# 1保罗伦,一个人,一个舞台,电影导演——他在一年之内,帕特里夏·离婚后,她就嫁给(离婚)摇滚发起人罗伯特·米勒和发廊业主杰克债券。李维从不连接和他的亲生父亲,现在他在监狱里被指控可卡因。在高中时,李维是温州,但对学术的强烈兴趣小组的冰上曲棍球(如守e68a84e8a2ade799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94333门员,他赢得了这个绰号“墙”)和戏剧。最后他退学了追求她的演艺生涯。


在1994年,低估了演员成为一个巨大动作明星释放速度(1994 /我)。它的成功预示着一个时代的五十年中交替在很大程度上,不看李维会感觉,像小电影明尼苏达(1996年)和我最后一次自杀(1997),不看大电影约翰尼助记》(1995年)和博士(1996年)的连锁反应。毕竟这是不可思议的,通过里维斯的速度,但他续票房金再几年后用Wachowski兄弟cyberadventure基质(1999)。尽管他面无表情的演讲风格和名声作为一个呆子,李维继续钓上选择角色和脂肪的薪水。不管他知道,他是不会告诉公众——他的自我和神秘的私人生活采访策略提供小洞察他的技艺。至于里维斯而言,似乎他只是一个普通男人骑摩托车,在一个乐队(Dogstar),并显示了时不时为电影拍摄。




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