看我的7a686964616fe4b893e5b19e362用英语说是:watch me。
Have you come to see me or my mother? 你到这儿来是看我的还是来看我母亲的?
2.Dad:Of course not, I have to watch my American Idol. 爸爸:当然不想啊,我得回去看我的《美国偶像》。
3.When you see me, you see him, you see my Mother and my brothers and sisters. 当你看到我,你就看到了他,你看我的母亲,我的兄弟和我的姐妹。
4.I know that most of my teachers view me this way. 我知道我的很多老师都是这样看我的。
5.She looked at me as if I were the wicked stepmother. 她看我的眼神,我简直就是一个恶毒的后母。
6.I usually show her my homework. 我通常让她看我的家庭作业。
7.I would turn around and find them staring at me like I habitually raped them both. 我转过身去,发现她们看我的目光就像我经常强奸她们两个似的。
8.Father, for my sake, knight him this day. 父王,看我的薄面,今日册封他为骑士吧。
9.At college, I could go out on dates and visit my grandma whenever I liked in my spare time. 在大学里,我可以有空就出去约会或者看我的奶奶,但现在,我没有这种自由了。
10.Part of me almost wanted to lose the appeal so that I could go to court, get all the documentsand depositions released, and show the public what my adversaries had been up to. 我心中甚至有想输掉上诉的念头,这样我就可以在法庭上公开所有的文件和宣誓证词,让公众看一看我的对手的目的到底是什么。
Watch me burn
Watch me burn
look at me
stare at 是凝视的意思