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westlife的beautiful world的中文歌词,...



My Love

An empty street An empty house
A hole inside heart
I'm all alone and the rooms
Are getting smaller
I wonder how I wonder why
I wonder where they are
The days we had
The songs we sang together
And oh! my love
I'm holding on forever
Reaching for a love
That seems so far
So I say a litter prayer
No my dream will take me there
Where the skies are blue to see you
once again my love
Overseas from coast to coast
Find a place I love the most
Where the fields are green
To see you once again
My love
I Try to read I go to work
I'm laughing with my friends
But I can't stop to keep myself
From thinking
I wonder how I wonder why
I wonder where they are
The days we had
The songs we sang togetther
And oh! my love
I'mholding on forever
Reaching for a love
That seems so far
So I say a litter prayer
No my dream will take me there
Where the skies are blue to see you
once again my love
Overseas from coast to coast
Find a place I love the most
Where the fields are green
To see you once again
To hold you in my arms
To promise my love
To tell you from my heart
You are all I'm thinking of

Reaching for a love
That seems so far
So I say a litter prayer
No my dream will take me there
Where the skies are blue to see you
once again my love
Overseas from coast to coast
Find a place I love the most
Where the fields are green
To see you once again
My love
And hope my dream will take me there
Where the skies are blue to see you
once again my love
Overseas from coast to coast
Find a place I love the most
Where the fields are green
To see you once again
My love








那首歌叫us against the world,里面那句应该是You and I

  Us against the world(不顾一切)
  Us against the world Against the world 我们携手 敢于与全世界抗争7a64e78988e69d83335
  Us against the worldAgainst the world 我们携手 敢于与全世界抗争
  You and I, 你和我
  we’ve been at it so long 我们相爱已经多年
  I still got the strongest fire 而我心中依然不变对你的熊熊爱火
  You and I你和我
  we still know how to talk 我们仍然最有默契
  Know how to walk that wire 知道如何才能携手走在爱的钢索上
  Sometimes I feel like 有时候我感觉
  The world is against me 如同全世界都在与我作对
  The sound of your voice, baby 然而宝贝,每次都是你甜美的声音
  That's what saves me 拯救了我
  When we're together I feel so invincible 当我们在一起时,我知道我们之间的爱无可替代
  Cause it's us against the world 那是我俩,携手敢于与全世界抗争
  You and me against them all 只要我们在一起,便能拥有对抗一切的力量
  If you listen to these words 如果你听到我的诉说
  Know that we are standing tall 你会知道我们虽然站在高处不胜寒
  I don't ever see the day that 但我从没担心过我会有一天
  I won't catch you when you fall 无法在你失足坠落时紧攥住你
  Cause it's us against the world 因为那是我俩 携手敢于与全世界抗争
  tonight 就是在今夜
  Us against the world(against the world) .. 不顾一切
  There’ll be days 也许有时
  We’ll be on different sides but 我们的想法不同
  That doesn’t last too long 但是那不会持续太久的
  We find ways to get it on track 我们会找到办法去解决(我们不会迷失方向)
  And know how to turn back on 并且知道怎样把那些不好的消极的因素给抛开
  Sometimes I feel 有时候可能我会感觉到
  I can’t keep it together 我不能保证能和你一直在一起
  Then you hold me close但你会拥紧我
  And you make it better 让一切好起来
  When I’m with you 但是当我们在一起的时候
  I can feel so unbreakable 我感到我们之间牢不可破
  Cause it's us against the world 那是我俩,携手敢于与全世界抗争
  You and me against them all 只要我们在一起,便能拥有对抗一切的力量
  If you listen to these words 如果你听到我的诉说
  Know that we are standing tall 你会知道我们虽然站在高处不胜寒
  I don't ever see the day that 但我从没担心过我会有一天
  I won't catch you when you fall 无法在你失足坠落时紧攥住你
  Cause it's us against the world 因为那是我俩 携手敢于与全世界抗争
  tonight 就是在今夜
  We’re not gonna break 我们不会分开
  Cause we both still believe 因为我们都坚信
  We know what we’ve got 我们知道我们得到了什么
  And we’ve got what we need alright 我们都已经得到了我们应得的
  We’re doing something right 我们做的是对的
  Cause it's us against the world 那是我俩,携手敢于与全世界抗争
  You and me against them all 只要我们在一起,便能拥有对抗一切的力量
  If you listen to these words 如果你听到我的诉说
  Know that we are standing tall 你会知道我们虽然站在高处不胜寒
  I don't ever see the day that 但我从没担心过我会有一天
  I won't catch you when you fall 无法在你失足坠落时紧攥住你
  Cause it's us against the world 因为那是我俩 携手敢于与全世界抗争
  tonight 就是在今夜
  Us against the world 我们一起对抗世界
  You and me against them all你和我,对抗全世界
  If you listen to these words 如果你听到这些肺腑之言
  Know that we are standing tall 你一定明白我们现在是多么的立场坚定
  I don't ever see the day that I won't catch you when you fall 我不想看到你先屈服了然后我也屈服的那一天
  Us against the world 我们对抗世界
  Yeah it’s Us against the world, baby 哦,宝贝,我们一起对抗世界
  Us against the world Tonight 我们要不顾一切的抗争到底(从今晚开始?)
  Us against the world 我们对抗世界
  Against the world 我们对抗世界
  Us against the world 我们对抗世界




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