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主题曲I see the light。
  这首歌曲由片中主角配音曼蒂摩尔(Mandy Moore)和扎克李维(Zachary Levi)献声演唱,也是影片男女主角的一见钟情曲,颇有迪斯尼的e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94e59b9ee7ad94338怀旧风潮。
  All those days watching from the windows
  All those years outside looking in
  All that time never even knowing
  Just how blind I ve been
  Now I’m here blinking in the starlight
  Now I‘m here suddenly I see
  Standing here it s all so clear
  I m where I m meant to be
  And at last I see the light
  And it s like the fog has lifted
  And at last I see the light
  And it s like the sky is new
  And it s warm and real and bright
  And the world has somehow shifted
  All at once everything looks different
  Now that I see you
  All those days chasing down a daydream
  All those years living in a blur
  All that time never truly seeing
  Things the way they were
  Now she s here shining in the starlight
  Now she s here suddenly I know
  If she s here it s crystal clear
  I‘m where I ’m meant to go
  And at last I see the light
  And it s like the fog is lifted
  And at last I see the light
  And it s like the sky is new
  And it s warm and real and bright

  And the world has somehow shifted
  All at once everything is different
  Now that I see you
  now that I see you

迪斯尼动画片《魔法奇缘》(长发e5a48de588b6e79fa5e98193334公主)片尾曲的名字是《Something That I Want》。

歌名《Something That I Want》
歌手:Grace Potter
专辑:《Tangled》 (Soundtrack from the Motion Picture)
She's gonna come to his own conclusionShe's the girl with the best intentions
He's the man of his own invention
She looked out of window he walked out the door
And she followed him and he said What are you looking for
And she said I want something that I want
Something that I tell myself I need
Something that I want
I need everything I see
Something that I want
Something that I tell myself I need
Something that I want
I need everything I see Yeah
He's been living in a pure illusion

Right when you think you know what to say
Someone comes along and shows you brand new way
And said I want something that I want
Something I tell myself I need
Something that I want
I need everything I see
Something that I want
Something that I tell myself I need
Something that I want
I need everything
cause it's so easy to make believe in
Since you're living in a dream
Don't you see that what's you needing
Is standing in front of you
And I want something that I want
Something that I tell myself I need
Something that I want
I need everything I see
Something that I want
Something that I tell myself I need
Something that I want
I need everything I see
这里有个优酷链接:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzEzNTUwNzgw.html 上面有

I See The Light 英语歌曲歌词
  by Mandy Moore as Rapunzel and Zachary Levi as Flynn Rider《长发公主》是迪士尼的第50部动画长片,根据童话《莴苣姑娘》改编,故事情节几乎全部翻新,以经典童话外衣包住一个颠覆性故事内核,同时也少不了迪士尼传统动画辉煌时期的歌舞音乐桥段。

  All those days watching from the windows
  All those years outside looking in
  这么多年来 一直望着外面的世界
  All that time never even knowing
  Just how blind I've been
  Now I'm here, blinking in the starlight
  Now I'm here, suddenly I see
  Standing here, it's all so clear
  I'm where I'm meant to be
  And at last I see the light
  And it's like the fog has lifted
  And at last I see the light
  And it's like the sky is new
  And it's warm and real and bright
  And the world has somehow shifted
  All at once everything looks different
  Now that I see you
  All those days chasing down a daydream
  All those years living in a blur
  All that time never truly seeing
  Things the way they were
  Now she's here shining in the starlight
  现在 她在这儿 在星光里闪耀
  Now she's here, suddenly I know
  If she's here, it's crystal clear
  I'm where I'm meant to go
  And at last I see the light
  And it's like the fog is lifted
  And at last I see the light
  And it's like the sky is new
  And it's warm and real and bright
  And the world has somehow shifted
  All at once, everything is different
  Now that I see you, now that I see you
  因为我看见了你 因为我遇到了你

  英文歌词来源 http://baike.baidu.com/view/147831.htm呵呵




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