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Haier Group is the world's fourth largest white goods manufacturers, China's most valuable brand. Haier in over 30 countries worldwide localization of the design center, manufacturing base and trading companies, the global total of more than 50,000 employees, has developed into a large-scale multinational groups, in 2007 the Haier Group to achieve global turnover of 118 billion yuan.
Haier Group CEO Zhang Ruimin established in the brand-name strategy, under the guidance of the implementation of brand-name strategy has, diversification strategy and international strategy, the end of 2005, Haier entered the fourth stage of the strategy - the brand strategy of globalization stage. Venture 24 fighting efforts to make Haier brand worldwide reputation in a substantial increase. 2007, Haier brand value as high as 78.6 billion yuan, since 2002, Haier brand value for six consecutive years reelection as the most valuable Chinese brand list. Haier's brand refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines, televisions, water heaters, computers, mobile phones, home and integration of 19 brand-name products have been rated as China, Haier's refrigerators, washing machines AQSIQ has also been rated as the first batch of China's renowned in the world. August 2005, Haier was Britain's "Financial Times" as "China's top 10 world-class brand" of the first. 2006, the "Asian Wall Street Journal" organization named the "top 200 enterprises in Asia," the Haier Group Rongdeng the fourth consecutive year, "the Chinese mainland enterprises integrated leadership," the top ranking. Haier has among the ranks of world-class brand, its influence is the expansion of global markets and the rapid increase.

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