您的位置:广东在线游戏网 > 游戏资讯 > 求英语达人帮忙翻译几段文字,英语一直学不好,现在有求只能请好...-求翻译~~有没有好心人帮忙翻译一段外贸英语??




The brightest star was deeply impressed in my heart in the summer when I was nineteen years old.

Beijing Tongtianzhida Technology Development Co., Ltd. was established in 2001 July, is
a professional engaged in information product development, system integration, information technology services and products of high-tech enterprises. After years of development, the company has a network of professionals composed of senior personnel, network system integration, IP voice communication, network security, enterprise information management and a full range of professional operation in one, after continuous
efforts for the
military industrial enterprises, manufacturing, government, tobacco, media, education, foreign
invested enterprises, medical such enterprises and institutions to provide the high quality
service, customers get the praise.


The company through the internal ERP software management system, the formation of a stable and efficient management mode. Business involves the application system
information product
development, industry integration, e-commerce technology market service system based on agent, has excellent product
sales at home and abroad, and the CISCO gold
medal agents, Huawei -3COM senior
certified agents, AMP AVAYA structured
cabling products
agents, agents, HP, IBM Certification Association, wave maintained a
long-term close
relations of cooperation.


The Tontine company has a solid technical
strength, excellent practice experienced technical team of
professional (the project
implementation team and customer
service center), also has the professional certification of senior engineers, strong technical support and service capabilities, the formation of the system integration technology support service
system has some
characteristics of the system, can provide consultation, to the user
design, integration, maintenance and a series of perfect pre-sale, sale, after sale service. With strong technical strength, high quality and perfect
service, our company in recent years to undertake the completion
of dozens
of application
system integration project, business involves many
areas, and many computer industry manufacturers to establish a good relationship of


Companies adhering to the proxy product sales, system integration, information technology services for the
main business, to serve as a link, guided by the market, and strive to become adapted to the development of market
economy and
excellent high-tech enterprises. Our company is
committed to customer satisfaction is our goal, for each
customer, different companies have detailed understanding
and analysis
of, and to provide the most perfect
solution and the
most perfect after
sale service to
1工业工程专业本科学历 The Undergraduate Education of Industrial Engineering

2,熟悉工业工程理论,并能实际zhidao操作运用 Familiar with the theory of industrial engineering , and also can put it into practice

3, 吃苦耐劳、学习能力强、事业心强责任心强,有较强的沟通、协调能力,有团队协作精神 Working hard, having the strong ability of learning , with a strong sense of responsibilities and ambitions , having the strong communication, coordination and team -spirit;

4, 熟练使用相关办公软件,具备基本的网络知识 Skilled of current office software, with the basic knowledge of network






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