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长度 5464.3357千米,源头海拔 4800 米,平均流量 1774.5 立方米/秒,流域面积 752442平方公里,源头在青海省,注入渤海,中下游分界点:河口,旧孟津别称。发源地:青海省卡日曲
5,464,335.7 meters of length , the headstream rise 4800 meters , 752442 square kilometers drainage area , the headstream count average rate of flow 1774.5 steres/ second, in the Qinghai province , influxion Bohai Sea , middle lower reaches dividing line: River mouth , old Meng Jin county alternative name. Headstream: The Qinghai province card gradually bends.

e79fa5e98193e59b9ee7ad94335The Yellow River, or Huanghe, is the second longest river in China. Tracing to a source high up the majestic Yagradagze mountain in the nation's far west, it loops north, bends south, and flows east for 5,464 km until it empties into the sea, draining a basin of 745,000 sq km, which nourishes 120 million people. Millennia ago the Chinese civilization emerged from the central region of this basin. [The Yellow River basin is outline in red.]
  As the most heavily silt-laden river in the world, the Yellow River got its name from the muddiness of its water, which bears a perennial ochre-yellow color. The river is commonly divided into three stages. In the upper reaches, the river runs through mountainous and arid regions for 3,472 km, ending at Hekouzhen of Inner Mongolia just before it makes a sharp turn to the south.

  In the middle reaches, ending at Zhengzhou in Henan province, the river flows south between the Shaanxi and Shanxi Provinces, draining a basin consisting largely of thick deposits of unmodified aeolian loess which is eroded readily by rainfall and wind and accounts for over 90 per cent of the sediment in the main channel downstream. After traversing a 1,206-km course from Hekouzhen to Zhengzhou, the river emerges from narrow mountainous constrictions onto a flat alluvial plain shortly following a sharp turn to the east. The river descends from an altitude of 4,575 m above sea level at the source to 1,000 m at Hekouzhen and 400 m at Zhengzhou.

  In the lower reaches, from Zhengzhou to sea for a distance of 786 km, the river is confined to a levee-lined course as it flows northeasterly across the North China plain before emptying into the Gulf of Bohai. During two thousand years of levee construction, excessive sediment deposits have raised the riverbed several meters over the surrounding grounds; it is as much as 10 m above the city level of the ancient capital, Kaifeng, on its southern bank, where the levee embankments are 13 km apart. Nearly all rivers to the south of the levee-protected channel drain into the Huai River system, while those to its north into the Hai River system.

  The most challenging engineering aspect of taming the Yellow River is without doubt the control of the exceptionally high sediment load that the river carries in its lower reaches, averaging 37 kg of sediment per cu m of water at the present time. An average of 1.6 billion tons of sediment enters the river channel at Zhengzhou annually, of which about 1.2 billion tons is carried out to sea, leaving behind a substantial amount to contribute to the silting of the river channel.

  Throughout history much of the river management effort had been devoted to improving the flood prevention capability of the levee-lined channel, with notable success in the period from 200 to 800 A.D. when the channel was kept to its course. But, keeping pace with an ever-rising channel bed was no easy task, and the protection offered by levees could at best be haphazard, especially at times of war. Historical records indicate a progressively frequent levee breaching in the last ten centuries. During such breaches, the flood water would rush onto the surrounding lands, not only inundating farmland and communities, but also taking over existing river channels. The devastated areas would be totally transformed even after the damaged levee sections were repaired and closed, flood water drained, and the river returned to its original channel.

  Such devastation caused untold human suffering, and Yellow River gained the unenviable distinction as China's Sorrow. Records indicate that the river's levees were breached more than 1,500 times and its course changed 26 times in the last three millennia. A major course change taking place in 1194 A.D. was probably the most devastating economically. Flood water rushed onto the Huai River basin south of the Yellow River and took over Huai River's drainage system for the next 700 years. The river adopted its present course in 1897 after the final course change occurred in 1855. To this day, floods still ravage frequently the damaged Huai River system, reducing an once flourishing Huai River valley, where the Grand Canal traversed, to destitute poverty.

  Efforts in taming the river in the modern times still concentrate on flood prevention in the plain by raising and strengthening 1,300 km of levee embankments lining both the north and south shores of the channel. During high-water stages the entire population residing along the levees would be mobilized to keep a tight vigilance on the conditions of the levees looking out constantly for seepage leaks anywhere along its length. The levees stood intact for the past half-century withstanding numerous high-water stages, and credits must be given to those who managed them.

  River's sediment come entirely from the middle region of the river's basin, draining a loess-covered terrain consisting of a wind-blown silt deposit of high uniformity. Though the climate there is arid with annual rainfall in the 400-mm range, while the annual evaporation rate is three to four times as much, but during the July-August-September rain season, rain bursts which account for almost half of the annual precipitation erode loess cliffs rapidly bringing a huge amount of the eroded silt into the gullies, from which it is funneled into the rivers and to the main channel, transported laboriously for a distance over 1,000 km before it is flushed out to sea.

  Yangtze River

  During the 40 million of years history of the life and 50,000 years of human civilization, Yangtze River, a mother of the Chinese people, bring up billions of Huaxia people.

  Different from the Missippi, the Niro and the Amason, Yangtze River is the largest river in China, rising from Qianghai Highland at the height over 3,000 meters, running through Mt.Wu covering with frog, absorbing thousands of rivers, traveling 6,400 km until it reach the Pacific. She passes by mountains, gorges, hills, plains, with changing scenes on different geographic shape. She lies on the mil-latitude area, the four seasons are distinctive here. The huge flow reaches 97,935 billons cubic meter and ships can sail in the lower reaches all the year.

  The drainage area is over 1.8 million km, being 19% of the total cultivable land in the country. Here, the weather resource and the total productive value of the industry and the agriculture area 40% of the total respective in the country, bringing up about 400 millions persons, 1/3 of the population in China.

  It was 100,000 years ago that the human beings have lived in the Yangtze drainage area. Lantian man, Changyang man, Yunxian man are all the Chinese remote ancestors. And the ancient human remains and ruins of the Old and New stone Ages have been discovered everywhere along the river nowadays. 7000 years ago, our ancestors were fishing, cultivating, planting rice and bringing up descendants here. When it was in civilized society. Varies of distinctive national features were born here. Such as Jingchu Culture, Wu and Yue Culture, Bashu Cultures. The are all the priceless treasure in Chinese traditional cultures.

  A place with mountains and rivers is always thought to be a precious land. Water is the reflection of the intelligence and the beauty. The living of the human being exist without water, the industry and the agriculture can’t leave water anyway also. Before trains, airplanes anf automobiles were invited, the waterway afforded the facilities on transport and the ship was the important traffic instrument. The water can bring people intelligence and enlighten people soul. Laozi and Zhuangchou got thoughts from mountains and rivers, who were both the citizens of the ancient Chu in South, developed Neo-confucianism and Taoism respectively. Many literary works, poem, dances, music, concerning to Yangtze Rive have been unique works of China and even on the world. For example, “Flowing down the high mountain” by Zhong Ziqi in the War Ages has become a world-famous classical melody today.

  In the ancient time, the people lived accommodating water source passively. As the saying, the water that bearing the boat is the same swallows it, Yangtze River benefits the human beings while brings flood. Most flood were took place in the Yangtze River area in the ancient time. On the other hand, the disasters have given Yangtze people a lot of experience fighting against the flood and a national characteristics showing a strong will of never giving up.
  After the human being entered into civilized society, wars, famines have taken palace here, aggressors’ tombs being remained for several thousands of years, the peaceful history with scenes of mature rice field extending thousands miles. As well as sad scene of desolation and being full of hungry people have shown up here.

  Today, along the Yangtze River from the birthplace Qianghai to the enterance on the pacific in shanghai, hundreds of largest –and –medium –size vigorous cities are the faster developing areas in China. As well as unsophisticated farmers with out –of –date production methods and transport instruments there are also modern metropolises changing everyday. The new-borned phenomena accompany with the conservation, the civilization exists with the backwardness.
  Yangtze River ,the great mother river, is going on bring up her people full of hopes and energy. Yangtze River is the symbol of China opening outside. Chinese rapid development of economy is just the rippling waves of the River flowing foreward.

  Yangtze River is a magic beautiful river, the changing scenes, unsophisticated characteristics, like a painted corridor filled with historic legends, should give you a marvelous experience.

  Maybe you have read a book about China and Yangtze River, but remember the saying “Hearing about for a hundred times is far less than seeing once.” everyone will experience different from others in different time and conditions.

  Only next to Yangtze River in yellow river, is China the second river, fuck to flow all long 5,464 kilometers of, flow through Qing Lake, Szechwan, gansu, Ningxia, Suiyuan, the west of shanxi , mountain west, river south and Shandong nine provinces," several" form, infuse into to east Bohai Sea, the along the road gathered together a main subsidiary current with the numerous river sichuan , the river valley area amounts to more than 750,000 square kilometers.Visit inside a the segment flows through the large loess plateau region, many subsidiary currents clips to take the sediment of large quantity remits, for in the world river with sand measures at most, the river water reports yellow, as a result get.
  On the history, the yellow river flows the city to usually become disaster.According to jot down, more than 2,000 in the last years, the yellow river downstream 溃 dike amount to 1,500 many, than change large-scalely the way have 26 times, flood disaster scope north to Tienjin, the south reaches Jiangsu, Anhui, amounting to 250,000 square kilometers widely.The river water clips the sediment gross that take to the downstream measures, average annually over 1,600,000,000 metric tons.Because the downstream a geography is low and even, the course of river declines the even , the current velocity turns down, the sediment of large quantity hence sink to accumulate on the river bed, average every year overs 400,000,000 metric tons of, the rest sediment then flows the river mouth, forming a delta toward river mouth delta that sea stretch, average build annually six amount to more than 20 square kilometers.Yellow river river valley contain fatty and original fertile fields, the products is abundant, the mountain and stream is magnificent, the resident is several to occupy the Chinese total population quarter, the farmland then invites to occupy national 40%.




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