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shit 怎么读 中间是 发 e 的音 还是 i 的音 要真...-shit怎么读中间是发e的音还是i的音要真正




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shit /ʃɪt/
1 [U] OFFENSIVE the solid waste which is released from the bowels of a person or animal; excrement:
There's so much dog shit on the pavement.
See also bullshit; shite.

2 [S] OFFENSIVE the act of releasing solid waste from the bowels:
I need to have/US take a shit.

3 [C or U] OFFENSIVE someone or something you do not like, especially because they are unpleasant or of low quality:
She talks a load of shit.
The man's a complete shit.

4 OFFENSIVE insults, criticism or unkind or unfair treatment:
Ben gets a lot of shit from his parents about the way he dresses.
Jackie doesn't take (any) shit from anyone (= does not allow anyone to treat her badly).

5 US OFFENSIVE used in negatives to mean 'anything':
He doesn't know shit about what's going on.

shit /ʃɪt/
verb [I] shitting, shit or shat or shitted, shit or shat or shitted OFFENSIVE
to excrete solid waste from the bowels:
That dog had better not shit in the house again!
MAINLY US I need to shit real bad.

shit yourself verb [R] OFFENSIVE
to be extremely frightened:
She was shitting herself, especially when he pulled out a gun.

Shit! /ʃɪt/
exclamation OFFENSIVE
used to express annoyance, anger, disgust or surprise:
Oh shit, we're going to be late!
Shit - the damn thing's broken!

shitload /ˈʃɪt.ləʊd/ US /-loʊd/
a shitload of sth a lot of something:
He earns a shitload of money.

the shits plural noun OFFENSIVE
diarrhoea (= a medical condition in which the contents of the bowels are excreted too often):
Something I ate has given me the shits.

shitty /ˈʃɪt.i/ US /ˈʃɪţ.i/
adjective OFFENSIVE
1 unfair and unkind:
She's had really shitty treatment from the management.

2 bad, difficult or unpleasant:
Jamie's had a shitty week at work.
Anna, if you're feeling shitty (= ill), just go home.

[U] waste matter from the bowels; excrement 粪便; 屎: a pile of dog shit on the pavement 便道上的一堆狗屎.
[sing] act of emptying the bowels 拉屎: have/need a shit 拉[要拉]屎.
[U] stupid remarks or writing; nonsense 胡说; 胡言; 废话: You do talk a load of shit! 你胡说八道!
[C] (derog 贬) contemptible person 讨厌的家伙; 可鄙的人: That little shit stole my money. 那个小混蛋把我的钱偷走了.
(idm 习语) in the `shit in trouble 遇到麻烦事. not give a `shit (about sb/sth) not care at all 毫不关心: He doesn't give a shit about anybody else. 他对别人漠不关心. scare the shit out of sb =>scare.
> shit v (-tt-; pt, pp shitted or shat / ʃæt; ʃæt/) (<!> sl 讳, 俚)
1 [I, Tn] empty (solid waste) from the bowels 拉(屎).
2 [Tn] `~ oneself (a) soil oneself by emptying solid waste from the bowels accidentally 突然拉出屎来把自己弄脏. (b) be very frightened 极害e69da5e6ba90e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94365怕.
shit interj (<!> sl 讳, 俚) (used to express annoyance 用以表示恼怒): Shit! I've missed the train! 妈的! 我没赶上火车!
楼下胡扯!长音i: 发音时气流在舌前部,气流很强势,稍长,感觉很明显。而短i 音,气流靠后,很短促,感觉像短e音。当然,这样讲讲,理解简单,应用甚难。最好找zhidao个人,面对面帮助纠正。 最重要的区别是发音位置不同,不是长度不同。





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