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36. A.rainy 下雨的 B.snowy下雪的 C.cloudy多云的 D.sunny晴朗的 此处应为D,因为后面提到“in the sun"。
37. A. policemen 警察 B.tourists游客 C. volunteers志愿者 D. farmer农民 此处应为C,因为后面提到了”these volunteers".
38. A.sold B.took C.threw D.cut 此处应为B take photo固定搭配
39.A.happy高兴 B. nervous紧张 C.tired累 D.interestd对...感兴趣 应为C,即使他们很累也没有休息
40. A.girl女孩 B.boy男孩 C.man男人 D.woman女人 应为B,从后面“he is 5 years old"可得知这是一个5岁的男孩。
41. A.what B.when C.who D.where 应为A,问男孩发生了什么事
42.A.find B.help C.save D.touch A, 找不到他的妈妈
43.A.name名字 B.adress地址 C.age年龄 D.number号码 D,从后文打电话给男孩的妈妈可看出男孩能想起他妈妈的电话号码。
44.A.write B.call C.watch D.know B, 尝试打电话给男孩的母亲
45.A.angry生气 B.afraid害怕 C.exited激动 D.patient耐心 C,妈妈看见自己走散的儿子后应该很高兴,很激动。

Madonna’s influence

__from “reader” 2009-03
When an advertisement company gets an order from a bank to make a special advertisement about “traveler’s cheque” the supervisor said to his co-workers:”Hi, guys we got a special order from our client they let us make an advertisement like Madonna shows on the street once it is available.”
After hear that the co-workers all felt this is not a ease case. They sigh “how difficult to find a good idea like Madonna’s effect.
One day at noon a few co-works went out to eat his lunch after they are go walking on the street leisurely. Suddenly they saw some riots in front of them. Curiously they run toward to see what happened. As a result, they found a crowd are on looking at the policemen arrested a pickpocket, even some people left far from there are still look back.
“Is this a Madonna’s influence isn’t it?” among of them one co-work couldn’t help saying
A few days late, a special advertisement was put by this company
A picture was drawn a pickpocket his hand is going to a passenger’s pocket.
By this picture a words was written: you are a witness for the crime
Under the line a words it was written in black
You will prevent from this offence if you would like to choose to use a traveler’s cheque
This advertisement not only put on the paper but also it put on the bus stops etc.
As soon as possible it’s very popular and spread out. Of course, it affects the traveler’s cheque best selling.
As a pioneer, the Madonna’s effect it realized the requirement which was emphasized by the supervisor from the advertisement company.

Coincidentally, another story a young man who is living in New York his name is Mose. He rent a store at downtown and he selected a good day to open his business. His business is selling the Safe unfortunately his business looks bleak. It rarely purchases. Although he tidy out and crowed pass by. He watched the crowed and thinks some ideas, finally, he thought out a good idea
He borrowed a photo of wanted man from a police station and then he enlarged it several times, he stick it on his shop window under the line he attached a report that describe help to arrest the criminal. When the photo puts on a crowed are attractive on it they kept stopping and watch it. While they are watching the face of criminal, naturally they feel fear
Someone would not buy the Safe now he made his decision to buy it. So his Safe box is go on sale very fast. First month when he put on the photo is sold 48 pcs, second month even sold 72 pcs and then he sell it 70-80 pcs a month averagely.
Fourth more, thanks to him put on the wanted man’s photo as a result he contributed a valued clue to the police station they arrested the wanted man. As a reward, Mose got a certification of commendatory there. As well the local paper reported his story.
Generously, He put that certificate and paper report on his shop windows hence, his business is booming.




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