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关于school bully的英语作文-school bully为题的举三个例子的英语作文



Bullying has been a problem that schools and society have dealt with for a long time. The
term bullying refers to the direct physical and verbal acts of hitting, kicking, teasing, or taunting
another person (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 2003). Bullying is also demonstrated through
indirect actions like manipulating friendships or purposely excluding other children from
activities (Brinson, 2005). Of late, it has become a buzz word that most everyone has become
acquainted with through interest created by the media. Teachers are trying to teach students how
to deal with bullying, but somehow what is being taught is not working or internalized by
students. There are students in the high school setting who are suffering from being a bully or
being bullied. It is the job of the teachers to make the school environment safe. How can this be
achieved if the staff is not on the same page with how to deal or identify the characteristics of
bullying? The question then is what needs to be done to assist teachers in educating students
about and how they should view and deal with bullying in the school atmosphere?

According to Wong and Wong (2001), teachers begin every school year by explaining
their classroom rules and regulations students. The rules vary from teacher to teacher and are
generally broad but carry the same theme. In these rules, one can always find the generic “be
respectful of your classmates”, “be respectful of personal property”, which are meant to help
keep the classroom under control and to prevent negative behaviors. Teachers have to work
extra hard in their classrooms to make the space safe for all of the students who walk through the door. Many teachers have expressed a general definition of what bullying is, but few have been able to effectively stop the behaviors in their classrooms. The goal of this research was to determine how teachers deal with bullying behaviors and what can be done to reduce the
bullying behavior among students.

As the awareness of detrimental effects of bullying on a child’7a64e4b893e5b19e335s mental development continues to grow, schools are increasingly finding themselves in legal hot water. Becoming less forgiving of school officials’ failure to ensure a healthy learning environment for their kids, parents are turning to courts for support. While bullying is rightly identified as an unacceptable behavior in schools across the US, the state laws particularly prohibit harassment-oriented student bullying. Laws against bullying hold school administrators liable for failing to protecting victims from harm. It’s important for parents to know of their legal rights in order to help their bullied children when the school fails to act.
The legal obligation of schools to stop bullying
Bullying may be a social norm in schools, but the school bullying laws endorsed by pretty much all the states around the US aim to change that. School districts have been made legally obligated to ensure a safe and healthy learning atmosphere for students and prevent bullying, particularly one that constitutes harassment, through education, investigation and intervention. For this, they’re required to adopt and implement anti-bullying policies, and train the staff for the successful identification and effective handling of bullying situations. School officials are also obligated to provide adequate supervision, continuous monitoring and correcting of inappropriate behavior at school site. In case a bullying situation is identified, the school is legally responsible for protecting the victims and taking a disciplinary action against the bullies.
Failure to fulfill their responsibility
Schools failing to fulfill their legal obligation of dealing with bullying situations in an effective manner face the risk of getting sued by parents. However, this option becomes available to the latter under certain circumstances. These include school’s failure to adopt and implement anti-bullying policies and training their staff to deal with the problem in an appropriate manner. Inadequate supervision at school site raises the susceptibility of students to bullying, thus making the school officials liable in case a victim gets hurt. Failing to protect the victims or letting the bullies off the hook without and disciplinary action despite the latter being repeatedly reported for such behavior also makes the school administrators liable for negligence.
The last resort for parents
Suing the school should ideally be the last resort for parents of victims due to it being both complex and time-consuming. Getting in touch with the school officials, making them aware of the situation and demanding action may prove to be a better course of action. However, they may find themselves with no option but to take the matter to court in case the school refuses to cooperate. In such a case, it is important to gather and document evidence of the school’s negligence and lack of response to bullying. Parents may ask their victim child to describe their experience in detail, asking them to share the frequency, intensity and knowledge of any other kids who’re in similar situation. Once the evidence and whole narrative is documented, the parents should file a report with the police, pressing charging against the school officials. Once that is done, they should find a good lawyer and prepare themselves to take the school to court. Getting the media involved in the issue can put the issue in public spotlight and bring more support for the move against the school.
It’s important for parents to keep in mind that there’s no guarantee that the verdict will always come out in their favor. There have been cases in which the parents of victim children lost to the school after the former failed to establish the criminal negligence of the school officials. It’s best to keep the matter from escalating into a court battle. Therefore, both school administrators and parents should proactively deal with bullying to uproot it from the system.

School is not only a place we can learn something,but also is a small society.
"School videncen"is a popular word in the school during this years.And school videncen have many influence for us too.Many of us suffer form bully of school-bullies nowadays.
So,boycott school videncen is what everyone in school should do.Teachers should have a sense of responsibility and carefully found the things which happened in your students and then timely educate and protect them.As we should have a sense of justive and also have a heart of fighting against with evil.Don't be feared,it just like a spring,you weak it will strong,you strong it will weak.
I think if we unite together to fight against with evil.The school will peace and harmonious again!7a64e4b893e5b19e332

Smile is very precious in the world. Keeping smile is a polite behavior everywhere. No matter where you go, whom you meet, smile is the best way to show yourself. Even you can’7a686964616fe59b9ee7ad94362t communicate by language; smile will make others think you are no harm. Secondly, smile makes a person look more beautiful. People often say that you look very beautiful when you are smiling. Smile a lot can make a person become happier. In general, smile is very important. Do not forget to smile no matter what happen. Your life will be different with smile.




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