英雄台词编辑英文 中文
"The dawn has arrived." 帷幕降临。
Attacking 勇敢战斗吧!
"Twilight fades." 暮色消636f7079e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94366失。
"I will break their line." 冲破他们的防线。
"They'll have to get through me." 必须要先打倒我。
"Feel the sun's glory." 感受太阳的荣耀。
"They will be sundered." 他们的阵型将不复存在。
"Stand and fight." 站起来战斗。
Movement 运动
"I will protect you." 保护你的。
"First light approaches." 黎明的任务。
"Rally to me." 我这里集合。
"The sun always rises." 太阳总会升起。
"Stay at the vanguard." 赢就在眼前!
"I must not fall." 绝对不能倒下。
"Chosen of the sun." 啊是太阳的抉择。
"Ever vigilant." 保持警惕。
Taunt 嘲讽
"Next time, try to leave a dent." 下次记得留下一些被打败的凹痕以作纪念。
Joke 笑话
"Don't stare directly at me for too long." 嗯不要这样直勾勾的盯着我吗?
"I think I broke a nail, good thing it wasn't mine."[2] 额指甲断了哼不是我的。