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可以方便的查看结果记录中的相关信息: 在google搜索“汽车”,搜索结果显示:里面的信息依次为: Google PR:6 Google
索引数量:1600000 Yahoo Link:25100000 Yahoo Linkdomain:25700000 MSN
Index:25003 Alexa Rank:20 域名注册时间:15 Aug 2000 内容具体而且全面,显示当前打开页面的全部信息。
打开百度页面:就会出现SeoQuake 工具栏:上面显示这e69da5e6ba90e799bee5baa6336个网站的全部信息。 查看网页的单独的信息:例如要查看GooglePR
PageRank就会在页面上方出现一个工具条:显示当前页面的PR 值。
->SeoQuake->Keywords density 显示内容包括:网站的地址、标题、关键词、关键词出现的次数、关键词密度。
->SeoQuake->Options->Main 栏目位置1:Show Google 选择,就表示在Google
搜索结果里会出现Seoquake 工具栏。位置2:表示搜索结果中的前几条应用SeoQuake
Google PR
当前页面的e799bee5baa6e59b9ee7ad94362Google PR值Google Index
谷歌搜索引擎收录页面数Google link
谷歌反向链接Google cachedate
Date of current Google cache.Yahoo Index
雅虎收录页面数Yahoo link
雅虎反向链接Yahoo Linkdomain (LD)
Number of links, pointing to the current domain. Linkdomain (LD) operator finds pages linking to domain, as opposed to link which finds references to a single page. Yahoo version.Yahoo Linkdomain2 (LD2)
Number of links, pointing to the current domain (2-level domain). Linkdomain2 (LD2) operator finds pages linking to an entire domain, as opposed to linkdomain (LD) which finds references to a current domain (subdomain for example). Yahoo version.Yahoo Directory
Domain presence in the Yahoo Directory.MSN Index
MSN收录页面数MSN link
MSN反向链接MSN Linkdomain (LD)
Number of links, pointed to the current domain. Linkdomain (LD) operator finds pages linking to domain, as opposed to link which finds references to a single page. MSN version.MSN Linkdomain2 (LD2)
Number of links, pointing to the current domain (2-level domain). Linkdomain2 (LD2) operator finds pages linking to an entire domain, as opposed to linkdomain (LD) which finds references to a current domain (subdomain for example). MSN version.Yandex CY
Yandex Rank of current page.Yandex index (russian SE)
Number of indexed pages. Yandex version.Yandex link
Number of links, pointing to the current page. Yandex version.Yandex catalogue
Domain presence in the Yandex Directory.Rambler index (russian SE)
Number of indexed pages. Rambler version.Rambler top100
Domain presence in the Rambler top100 catalogue.DMOZ Directory
Domain presence in the Dmoz Directory.Alexa Rank
Alexa网站排名WebArchive age
First date in Archive.orgDel.icio.us index
Link to del.icio.us history for current url.Technorati index
Link to Technorati history for current url.Digg index
Link to Digg history for current url.IP lookup
当前域名IP地址.Whois link
域名所有者信息查看.View source
网页源代码查看.Check robots.txt
robots.txt文件查看.Page links
Dispaly quantity of internal/external links with the link to the link list.Baidu index
百度收录页面数.Baidu link
百度反向链接数Wikipedia (EN)
Wikipedia (EN)搜索结果数量Ask index
Number of search results found in Bloglines您可以自定义该插件显示或隐藏的参数。建议设置显示5到6个参数,否则脚本加载会相对缓慢,你也可暂时禁止显示。
天天上健身房,在跑步机上跑到筋疲力尽为止,同时又控制食欲,忍住不吃饭,这是那些想在短时间内迅速瘦身者的常用“突击法”。zhidao 适当运动的确能够强身塑体,但大运动量特别是突击式的锻炼并不可取,尤其是对于体质原本就不好的人,不仅不利于减轻体重,反而会引起一些副作用。运动过度,超过了人体的正常负荷量,容易回引起运动性损伤或产生疲劳感甚至疲劳综合征。对于心脏功能不佳者,过量运动还会使心脏不堪重负,甚至因此引发心脏病。对于更多人来说,三天打鱼两天晒网式的运动,则容易导致体重答反弹。 减肥=节食+运动。
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