Australia—an overviewAustralia is a stable, culturally diverse and democratic society with a skilled workforce and a strong, competitive economy. With a population of more than 21 million, Australia is the only nation to govern an entire continent. It is the earth’s biggest island and the sixth-largest country in the world in land area.Australia is one of the world’s oldest landmasses and has been populated by human beings for an estimated 60 000 years. Before the arrival of European settlers, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples inhabited most areas of the continent. Australia’s contemporary history is relatively short, with the first European settlement established by Great Britain on 26 January 1788.Australia has 10 per cent of the world’s biodiversity and a great number of its native plants, animals and birds exist nowhere else in the world. Australia is committed to conserving its unique environment and natural heritage and has a range of protection procedures in place, including World Heritage listings and many national parks and wildlife sanctuaries.Australia has the 14th biggest overall economy in the world and the 9th biggest industrialised economy (2007). Australia is the 15th richest nation in per capita terms, and is the 6th oldest continuously functioning democracy in the world.Australia’s population includes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and migrants from some 200 countries. In over 60 years of planned post-war migration, Australia has welcomed more than 6.5 million migrants, including more than 660 000 refugees. During this time, the population has tripled from about 7 million.Migrants have brought with them language skills and other capabilities that are valuable in today’s global economy and workforce. Although English is the official language in Australia, more than 3 million Australians speak a language other than English at home (2007). As a result, Australia offers the familiarity of a Western business culture with a workforce capable of operating in many different business environments.澳洲– 概览澳洲是一个稳定,具多元文化及民主的社会,拥有技术精湛的劳动力及具竞争力的强大经济。澳洲人口超过2,100万,是全球唯一统治整块大陆的国家,亦是全球最大的岛屿,以陆地面积计算,是全球第六大国家。 澳洲是全球最古老的大陆块之一,人口居住历e79fa5e98193e59b9ee7ad94363史估计长达6万年。在欧洲移民到来前,土著及托雷斯海峡岛民已居住在澳洲大陆的大部份地区。澳洲的当代历史相对短暂,英国於1788年1月26日在澳洲建立了第一个欧洲殖民地。澳洲的生物多元化,拥有全球10%的生物品种,不少本土植物、动物及雀岛为在全球独有。澳洲致力保护其独特的环境和自然遗产,并实施一系列保护计划,包括申请列入世界遗产名单,及建立不少国家公园及野生动植物保护区。澳洲是世界第十四大经济体,也是第九大工业国(2007年数字),而按人均计算,更是第十五大富有国家;此外,在全球民主国家中,澳洲是第六个最先实施民主制度的国家。澳洲人口包括土著及托雷斯海峡岛民,以及来自约200个国家的移民。在战後60多年以来,澳洲一直实施吸引移民的计划,国内的移民人口现已超过650万,包括逾66万多名难民。期间,澳洲人口从约700万增加至三倍。 澳洲移民带来各种语言技能,以及其他专长,对澳洲现在面对的全球性经济发展及劳动力需求甚具价值。尽管英语是澳洲的官方语言,逾300万名澳洲人操第二语言(2007)。因此,澳洲在可提供类似西方的商业文化的同时,又有不同的人才可在各种商业环境下工作。