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The danger of the web games
Now,there are more and more computers with broadband in the big cities.Kids like to spending their spare time in the web game.In that virtual world,kids could become a hero,a prince or a princess.They are able to do many things that they cannot do in the real-life.They can kill,they can fly,they can have magic...But this is what makes them mad and blind in the real-life.I can cause crimes.So it's bad for themselves and society.We should try to prvent them from falling into the web games.

Online games for us the dangers of not absolute, it depends on how you apply it, remember that word: to resist a bad game to refuse pirated games to pay attention to self-protection to guard against fooled moderate games beneficial brain indulging in the game beverages reasonable to arrange a time to enjoy a healthy life!
For example, you can be in an amateur play, when relax, the game was originally the invention of sentence is to help us, does not help not developed! It! Game this thing, because the plot is fascinating, so willpower bad!
For example, I is not playing the game of some homicide, such as through the line of fire, DNF, I am 15 years old, I am more playing Aura Star, Purcell, etc. to develop games. There are time constraints prevent addicted, but there is a lovely spirit, such as cracking!
The vast majority of people are playing computer games on the network, and some even open the computer is just a game I sometimes research system is also very interesting.
Online games not harm the reasonable application but useful.
You want to help!





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