katy perry 的Rour?
星爷经典开场dj版 拿去不谢记得点赞
I party like a rock star
look like a movie star
play like an all-star
fuck like a pornstar
baby I'm a super star
any ladies on a rock fuck night
come see me Q W O
see ,eh ,what a fucking night
we, you , me ,her , furnishing
come on all ??
so give what you got
baby so mean
we're superstars in here
you permanently end I'll be timely
got a bottle of patron
baby let's get it on
let me ride that all night long
I'm a brain in the dead
can change your sex
doing what you pay me's on
I'm a superstar baby superstar
in the back of the car
cause I party like a rock star llook like a movie star,fuck like a pornstar