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Ever on and on I continue circling
With nothing but my hate in a carousel of agony
Till slowly I forget and my heat starts vanishing
And suddenly I see that I can't break free
I'm slipping though the cracks of a drak eternity
With nothing but my pain and the paralyzing agony
To tell me who I am ,who I was
Uncertainty enveloping my mind
Till I can't break Free ,
And maby it's a dream
Maby nothing else is real
But it wouldn't mean a thing
if I told you how I feel
So I'm thired of all the pain,
of the misery inside
And I wish that I could live
feeling nothing but the night
You can tell me what to say
You can tell me where to go
But I doubt that I would eare,
and my heart would never know
If I make another move
there'll be no more turning back
Because everthing will change,
and it all will fade to black
WIll tommorrow ever come?
Will I make it through the night?
Will there ever be a place for the broken in the light?
Am I hurting ?Am I sad?
Should I stay ,or should I go?
I've forgotten how to tell
Did i ever even know?
Can I take another step?
I've done everything i can
ALL the people that I see
I will never understand
If I find a way to change,
If I step the light
Then I'll never be the same,
and it all will fade to white
Ever on and on I continue circling
With nothing but my hate in a carousel of agony
Till slowly I forget and my heat starts vanishing
And suddenly I see that I can't break free
I'm slipping though the cracks of a drak eternity
With nothing but my pain and the paralyzing agony
To tell me who I am ,who I was
Uncertainty enveloping my mind
Till I can't break Free ,
And maby it's a dream
Maby nothing else is real
But it wouldn't mean a thing
if I told you how I feel
So I'm thired of all the pain,
of the misery inside
And I wish that I could live
feeling nothing but the night
You can tell me what to say
You can tell me where to go
But I doubt that I would eare,
and my heart would never know
If I make another move
there'll be no more turning back
Because everthing will change,
and it all will fade to black
If I make another move,
if I take another step,
then it all would fall apart
There'd be nothing of me left
If I'm crying in the wind,
if I'm crying in the night,
will there ever be a way?
Will my heart return to white?
Can you tell me who you are?
Can you tell me where I am?
I've forgotten how to see
I've forgotten if I can
If I opened up me eyes
there'd be no more going back
'cause I'd throw it all away,
and it all would fade to black
视频:7a64e58685e5aeb9364 http:///programs/view/TqREiQqS574/
格式工厂: http://dl.pconline.com.cn/download/51244.html

Official rules
A deck of English Uno cards from 1995. This particular deck uses the older card design, where letters appear on the action cards instead of symbols.The deck consists of cards of four colors: red, green, blue, and yellow. The ranks in each color are 0-9. There are three "action" cards in each color, labeled "skip", "draw two", and "reverse". There are also special black action cards, "wild" and "wild draw four". There are two copies of each colored regular and action card, except for the zero card, which only have one per suit. There are four "wild" and "wild draw four" cards each, producing a total of 108 cards. In older versions, only the 6 is underlined to distinguish it from the 9, which is not marked; newer versions have both the 6 and the 9 underlined to further distinguish the two ranks.

Before playing, a dealer must be selected. This is accomplished by drawing cards. The person with the card of the highest face value is the dealer. Only number cards are used for this purpose. Any other cards are then put back into the deck.

After the dealer has been selected, seven cards are dealt to each player, and the top card of the stock is exposed to start the discard pile. If the exposed card has a special ability, it is treated as if the dealer played that card, and the special effect occurs (i.e., skip, draw two, reverse, or wild). If the exposed card is a wild draw four, however, it is returned to the deck and the next card is exposed. Play begins with the person to the left of the dealer, i.e. clockwise.

At each turn, a player may play a card from their hand that matches either the color or rank (or both) of the top exposed card, or play a wild or wild draw four.

If the player doesn't have a card to match the one on the DISCARD pile, he/she must take a card from the DRAW pile. If the card picked up can be played, the player is free to put it down in the same turn. Otherwise, play moves on to the next person in turn.

Alternatively, the player may choose not to play a playable card from his/her hand. If so, the player must draw a card from the DRAW pile. If playable, that card can be put down in the same turn, but the player may not use a card from the hand after the draw.

After playing a single card or drawing, the next player clockwise takes a turn, or counter-clockwise when a reverse is in effect. If the stock is emptied, the discard pile is shuffled and turned over to replenish the stock.

When a player plays down to only one card, that player is required to yell "Uno!" to warn other players. If the word is not said, and another player points out the error, the original player is busted and has to draw two cards from the DRAW pile. The hand is over when one player has discarded all of their cards.

After a player plays all their cards, the other players count the number of points pertaining to the values of the cards in their hands. Number cards are face value, colored special cards worth twenty, and wilds worth fifty. The first player to go out receives points for the cards left in his/her opponents' hands. The first person to reach a certain point value (officially 500) wins.

[edit] Action cardsCard Description
Draw Two The next player must draw two cards and lose their turn.
Skip The next player must skip their turn.
Reverse The order of play is reversed from clockwise to counter-clockwise, or from counter-clockwise to clockwise. If the initial exposed card in the discard pile is reverse, then the dealer makes the first play, and play continues in a counter-clockwise direction.
If there are only two players, the Reverse card is treated as a Skip card:[2] the next player must skip their turn.

Wild The player playing it names a color, and the next legal play must be that color unless another wild is played.
Wild Draw Four Acts like a wild, but the next player must draw four cards and skip their turn. This card may only be played if the player holding it doesn't have any card matching the current color. See penalties for more information about this card.

The newer style English Uno action cards bear symbols which denote their action, except for the Wild cards which still bear the word "Wild." Before the design change, such cards in English versions of the game bear letters. Especially old English versions can be denoted by the absence of the white rim that surrounds the edge of most Uno cards. Other versions also use symbols and images in both old and new designs, especially those with Wild cards that do not bear the word "Wild." The Xbox 360 version of the game uses the new English style of the cards in gameplay. There are also language-free versions of the newer styles Uno action cards that do not bear the word "Wild" but have the same styling.

[edit] Penalties[2]A player who forgets to say "uno" after his/her second-to-last card touches the discard pile, but remembers (and shouts "uno") before any other player challenges them, is safe and is not subject to the penalty. When another player calls out "uno", the player with one card must draw two cards.
Players who make card-play suggestions to the other players must draw two cards from the draw pile.
If a player plays a wrong card and it is noticed by any of the other players, he or she must take the card back and take two extra cards from the draw pile. Play continues with the next person in turn.
If a Wild Draw Four card is played illegally (that is, if the player holds a matching color to one on the discard pile) and the person who plays it is challenged, the hand must first be shown to the player who has made the challenge. If the Wild Draw Four card has been played illegally (if the player calls the challenge and if it works for you), then the offending player must draw four cards. If the card has been correctly played (if the player calls the challenge and if it works against you), then the challenger must draw four cards plus an additional two cards for a total of six cards. The challenge can only be made by the player who is required to pick up the four cards after the Wild Draw Four card is laid.
[edit] StrategyA basic strategy involves playing the legal card with the highest point value. This is a simple way to minimize points held in the hand at the end of the round, but fails to account for the utility of holding wilds and draw fours near the end of the game.

Playing a 0 is more likely to prevent the color from changing than playing any other card of a given color, since the deck contains only one 0 card of each color (instead of two for values 1-9).

Little has been published on the optimal strategy for the Uno game. Simulations of Uno games may shed some light on the matter, but the game solution is likely to be very complex. This is because attempts to reduce point count in the player's hands can be "read" by other players if too transparent. This information can be exploited by other players, and it follows that a mixed strategy may be more appropriate.

Some work has been done into the psychology of Uno as it relates to individual and group behavior.[3] Players may exhibit physical tells,[4] in which a subtle, often repeated, visual cue inadvertently reveals their state of mind during a game. Alternatively, they may change their playing style; switching from an aggressive card-shedding strategy to a more subdued one, or vice versa.

UNO - 玩法

游戏牌分四种颜色:红色、绿色、蓝色及黄色,每种色有12张牌,其中9张为数字牌(0-9),其余3张为功能牌:"skip"(跳牌)、"draw two"(罚牌2张)及"reverse"(逆转出牌方向),另有黑色特别牌两种:"wild"(转色)及"wild draw four"(转色及罚牌4张)。每副牌共有108张卡,4种颜色各有两套(0牌除外,各只有一套),另黑色牌各有4套。

玩者各抽一张牌,数字最大的为庄家。每人派牌7张,然后从牌叠中取出首e799bee5baa6e59b9ee7ad94332张牌(若是"wild draw four"需再取),庄家左边玩家(若是"reverse"则为右边)根据此牌发牌,游戏开始。



卡名 功能
Draw two 下位玩者停止出牌一次,并罚抽2张牌
Skip 下位玩者停止出牌一次
Reverse 发牌顺序方向逆转,若只有两名玩者则效果与"Skip"牌相同
Wild 发牌者说出四色中其中一种,下位玩者必须跟随(除非出黑牌)
Wild draw four 发牌者说出四色中其中一种,同时下位玩者停止出牌一次,并罚抽4张牌。只能在手上没有符合的数字或颜色牌时才能发出



若玩者发错牌,需罚抽2张牌。若玩者故意出"wild draw four card",被下位玩者挑战并检查纸牌,则故意出牌的需罚抽4张,若出牌者真的无其他符合颜色和数字的牌(黑色牌不算)可出,则挑战失则者需罚抽牌6张。


  • UNO~~读音

  • 广东在线游戏网游戏资讯
  • Ever on and on I continue circlingWith nothing but my hate in a carousel of agonyTill slowly I forget and my heat starts vanishing And suddenly I see


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