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gta5 为什么使用wasted



Although the old version of the dictionary without a word "funny, but now I don't know what Chinese people didn't seem to be called" ridiculous ".
For example, although the three gorges dam ig made ready, the channel tunnel in the world, but also the project is completed, they didn't put tiles, wall: to give to the equator, the air with HuangHeAn railings, gilt edges.
After hearing this, the project was amused, very funny. Who will really to investment, who really go construction? This door, ig is playing computer, playing games, the text editor of the play, to relax nerve, who finished, a smile, that's funny. As for philosophers and scientists, economists, their "funny" -- I was absolutely disdain such thought.
But I was wrong, once the peterborough "home" to the fans, they say, is not actually play.
Newcastle university, for instance, the two researchers use electronic detection in the locusts looked at the movie Star Wars of the brain activity, In Australia, for example, o Benjamin, of the university of ledesma 131 kinds of scholars study the frog under the pressure of different smells, finally have the frogs will some, some emit cashew licorice, mint even YuWei smelly, As a scientist, Hungary, called the important topic of pressure excretion penguins, he is really a penguin to shit till they immediately to the anus, never to test, never dreamt fabricated navel-gazing, For example, a group of scientists Queensland university from 1927 to start a year, carefully observe the chimney drops in the tar, this observation is observed seven years, by 2005, a research: average 9 years of tar drip drop. A scientist in the tar drip drip LaDi two died, and he was not a bit judgment. Another scientist from the first drop to 9 drops insist, is cheerful; tears!636f70797a64332 Example: the Ming and one of university researchers are measured in water or faster in syrup in swim fast...
Once scientists began to laugh, who are they not stops, "give the sun with invented air-conditioning" after he shut the phone and go to bed, and they will not be entertained, they want to practice, and will produce unexpected interesting effects. The scientists who are "experience than funny." I'm not scientists, but some alternative project provided free to those special interesting scientists to 10: one, "announced the cockroaches surgery," the odor of its body ChouYangDong Antarctic area, 2, the day before to hibernate rock, the toads hibernate if, after the hole of each? Three, a cast in the Pacific, the empty bottle float within 10 years, how much time? How much time completely submerged accounts? Four...
Finish this message, a doctor friend inadvertently said, call my heart GeDeng jump, he says: each person's life, have insanity, at least once or twice. But the funny can also get out of work for, it is the doctor thought.

感觉是口语化的说法,某个GTA VC的任务里两个NPC的对话中提到过一句“Waste him.”,翻译应该是“干掉他。”所以Wasted应该有“废了,被干掉了”的意思。
21 Guns]

  Do you know what's worth fighting for,
  When it's not worth dying for?
  Does it take your breath away
  And you feel yourself suffocating?
  Does the pain weigh out the pride?
  And you look for a place to hide?
  Did someone break your heart inside?
  You're in ruins
  你 分崩离析

  One, 21 guns
  Lay down your arms
  Give up the fight
  One, 21 guns
  Throw up your arms into the sky,
  You and I

  When you're at the end of the road
  And you lost all sense of control
  And your thoughts have taken their toll
  When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul
  Your faith walks on broken glass
  And the hangover doesn't pass
  Nothing's ever built to last
  You're in ruins.
  你 分崩离析

  One, 21 guns
  Lay down your arms
  Give up the fight
  One, 21 guns
  Throw up your arms into the sky,
  You and I

  Did you try to live on your own
  When you burned down the house and home?
  Did you stand too close to the fire?
  Like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone
  When it's time to live and let die
  And you can't get another try
  Something inside this heart has died
  You're in ruins.
  你 分崩离析

  One, 21 guns
  Lay down your arms
  Give up the fight
  One, 21 guns
  Throw up your arms into the sky,
  You and I

  注:在美国,21响礼炮是'presidental salute',重大场合向在任或前任总统致敬.

  18)SEE THE LIGHT 看见光明
  i crossed the river 我穿越河流
  fell into the sea 掉进海洋
  where the non-believers
  go beyond belief 那里无信仰者令人难以置信
  then I scratched the surface 然后我在地狱的出口
  in the mouth of hell 撕开表面的伪装
  running out of service
  in the I fell 筋疲力尽掉入鲜血中

  * i just want to see the light 我只是想看见光明
  i don't want to lose my sight 我不想忽视
  i just want to see the light 我只是想看见光明
  i need to know what's worth the fight 我需要知道什么值得战斗

  i've been wasted 我已经被遗弃
  pills and alcohol 药品和酒精
  i've been chasing 我一直在被追逐
  down the pool halls 直到桌球房
  then I drank the water
  from a hurricane 然后我从暴风雨中喝了水
  and I set a fire 我点燃了火
  just to see the flame *只想看见火焰

  repeat *

  i crossed the desert 我穿越沙漠
  reaching higher ground 寻求高地处
  then I pound the pavement 然后我重重敲打地面
  to take the liars down 想让骗子们都摔倒
  but it's gone forever 但这些都永久地逝去了
  but never too late 但永不为时过晚
  where the ever after
  is in the hands of fate 此后,在命运的手中

You died,是你死了,这是Minecrft中玩家死亡时出现的画面。可以重生(但极限模式不能)


  • gta5 为什么使用wasted

  • 广东在线游戏网游戏资讯
  • Although the old version of the dictionary without a word "funny, but now I dont know what Chinese people didnt seem to be called" ridiculous ".For ex


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