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小道消息 英语怎么说



[词典] grapevine; hearsay; rumor; bamboo telegraph;
He'd doubtless heard rumours on the grapevine
Song of Eternal Sorrow
Appreciating feminine charms,
The Han emperor sought a great beauty.
Throughout his empire he searched
For many years without success.
Then a daughter of the Yang family
Matured to womanhood.
Since she was secluded in her chamber,
None outside had seen her.
Yet with such beauty bestowed by fate,
How could she remain unknown?
One day she was chosen
To attend the emperor.
Glancing back and smiling,
She revealed a hundred charms.
All the powdered ladies of the six palaces
At once seemed dull and colourless.
One cold spring day she was ordered
To bathe in the Huaqing Palace baths.
The warm water slipped down
Her glistening jade-like body.
When her maids helped her rise,
She looked so frail and lovely,
At once she won the emperor’s favour.
Her hair like a cloud,
Her face like a flower,
A gold hair-pin adorning her tresses.
Behind the warm lotus-flower curtain,
They took their pleasure in the spring night.
Regretting only the spring nights were too short;
Rising only when the sun was high;
He stopped attending court sessions
In the early morning.
Constantly she amused and feasted with him,
Accompanying him on his spring outings,
Spending all the nights with him.
Though many beauties were in the palace,
More than three thousand of them,
All his favours were centred on her.
Finishing her coiffure in the gilded chamber,
Charming, she accompanied him at night.
Feasting together in the marble pavilion,
Inebriated in the spring.
All her sisters and brothers
Became nobles with fiefs.
How wonderful to have so much splendour
Centred in one family!
All parents wished for daughters
Instead of sons!
The Li Mountain lofty pleasure palace
Reached to the blue sky.
The sounds of heavenly music were carried
By the wind far and wide.
Gentle melodies and graceful dances
Mingled with the strings and flutes;
The emperor never tired of these.
Then battle drums shook the earth,
The alarm sounding from Yuyang.
The Rainbow and Feather Garments Dance
Was stopped by sounds of war.
Dust filled the high-towered capital.
As thousands of carriages and horsemen
Fled to the southwest.
The emperor’s green-canopied carriage
Was forced to halt,
Having left the west city gate
More than a hundred li.
There was nothing the emperor could do,
At the army’s refusal to proceed.
So she with the moth-like eyebrows
Was killed before his horses.
Her floral-patterned gilded box
Fell to the ground, abandoned and unwanted,
Like her jade hair-pin
With the gold sparrow and green feathers.
Covering his face with his hands,
He could not save her.
Turning back to look at her,
His tears mingled with her blood.
Yellow dust filled the sky;
The wind was cold and shrill.
Ascending high winding mountain paths,
They reached the Sword Pass,
At the foot of the Emei Mountains.
Few came that way.
Their banners seemed less resplendent;
Even the sun seemed dim.
Though the rivers were deep blue,
And the Sichuan mountains green,
Night and day the emperor mourned.
In his refuge when he saw the moon,
Even it seemed sad and wan.
On rainy nights, the sound of bells
Seemed broken-hearted.
Fortunes changed, the emperor was restored.
His dragon-carriage started back.
Reaching the place where she died,
He lingered, reluctant to leave.
In the earth and dust of Mawei Slope,
No lady with the jade-like face was found.
The spot was desolate.
Emperor and servants exchanged looks,
Their clothes stained with tears.
Turning eastwards towards the capital,
They led their horses slowly back.
The palace was unchanged on his return,
With lotus blooming in the Taiye Pool
And willows in the Weiyang Palace.
The lotus flowers were like her face;
The willows like her eyebrows.
How could he refrain from tears
At their sight?
The spring wind returned at night;
The peach and plum trees blossomed again.
Plane leaves fell in the autumn rains.
Weeds choked the emperor’s west palace;
Piles of red leaves on the unswept steps.
The hair of the young musicians of the Pear Garden
Turned to grey.
The green-clad maids of the spiced chambers
Were growing old.
At night when glow-worms flitted in the pavilion
He thought of her in silence.
The lonely lamp was nearly extinguished,
Yet still he could not sleep.
The slow sound of hells and drums
Was heard in the long night.
The Milky Way glimmered bright.
It was almost dawn.
Cold and frosty the paired love-bird tiles;
Chilly the kingfisher-feathered quilt
With none to share it.
Though she had died years before,
Even her spirit was absent from his dreams.
A priest from Linqiong came to Chang’an,
Said to summon spirits at his will.
Moved by the emperor’s longing for her,
He sent a magician to make a careful search.
Swift as lightning, through the air he sped,
Up to the heavens, below the earth, everywhere.
Though they searched the sky and nether regions,
Of her there was no sign.
Till he heard of a fairy mountain
In the ocean of a never-never land.
Ornate pavilions rose through coloured clouds,
Wherein dwelt lovely fairy folk.
One was named Taizhen,
With snowy skin and flowery beauty,
Suggesting that this might be she.
When he knocked at the jade door
Of the gilded palace’s west chamber,
A fairy maid, Xiaoyu, answered,
Reporting to another, Shuangcheng.
On hearing of the messenger
From the Han emperor,
She was startled from her sleep
Behind the gorgeous curtain.
Dressing, she drew it back,
Rising hesitantly.
The pearl curtains and silver screens
Opened in succession.
Her cloudy tresses were awry,
Just summoned from her sleep.
Without arranging her flower headdress,
She entered the hall.
The wind blew her fairy skirt,
Lifting it, as if she still danced
The Rainbow and Feather Garments Dance.
But her pale face was sad,
Tears filled her eyes,
Like a blossoming pear tree in spring,
With rain drops on its petals.
Controlling her feelings and looking away,
She thanked the emperor.
Since their parting she had not heard
His voice nor seen his face.
While she had been his first lady,
Their love had been ruptured.
Many years had passed
On Penglai fairy isle.
Turning her head,
She gazed down on the mortal world.
Chang’an could not be seen,
Only mist and dust.
She presented old mementos
To express her deep feeling.
Asking the messenger to take
The jewel box and the golden pin.
“I’ll keep one half of the pin and box;
Breaking the golden pin
And keeping the jewel lid.
As long as our love lasts
Like jewels and gold,
We may meet again
In heaven or on earth.”
Before they parted
She again sent this message,
Containing a pledge
Only she and the emperor knew.
In the Palace of Eternal Youth
On the seventh of the seventh moon,
Alone they had whispered
To each other at midnight:
“In heaven we shall he birds
Flying side by side.
On earth flowering sprigs
On the same branch!”
Heaven and earth may not last for ever,
But this sorrow was eternal.



  • 小道消息 英语怎么说

  • 广东在线游戏网游戏资讯
  • 小道消息zd : [词典] grapevine; hearsay; rumor; bamboo telegraph; [例句内]他无疑是听到了小道消息。容Hed doubtless heard rumours on
  • she heard whispered.是什么意思

  • 广东在线游戏网游戏资讯
  • 梦中的耳语一首英文歌she heard whispered她听到低语语法有来误双语例句She heard Daddy say to her tearful Mother with whispered desperation,“ Only a miracle can save him now. ”她听


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