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Forrest Gump: Will you marry me?
[Jenny turns and looks at him]
Forrest Gump: I'd make a good husband, Jenny.
Jenny Curran: You would, Forrest.
Forrest Gump: But you won't marry me.
Jenny Curran: You don't wanna marry me.
Forrest Gump: Why don't you love me, Jenny? I'm not a smart man, but I know what love is.
Jenny Curran: Run Forrest!7a64e78988e69d83333 Run!
[young Jenny's father is chasing her through the fields to beat her when she stops and hides]
Young Jenny Curran: Dear God, make me a bird. So I could fly far. Far far away from here.
Forrest Gump: My momma always said, "Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."
Mrs. Gump: You have to do the best with what God gave you.
Forrest Gump: Mama always said, dying was a part of life.
Forrest Gump: You died on a Saturday morning. And I had you placed here under our tree. And I had that house of your father's bulldozed to the ground. Momma always said dyin' was a part of life. I sure wish it wasn't. Little Forrest, he's doing just fine. About to start school again soon. I make his breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day. I make sure he combs his hair and brushes his teeth every day. Teaching him how to play ping-pong. He's really good. We fish a lot. And every night, we read a book. He's so smart, Jenny. You'd be so proud of him. I am. He, uh, wrote a letter, and he says I can't read it. I'm not supposed to, so I'll just leave it here for you. Jenny, I don't know if Momma was right or if, if it's Lieutenant Dan. I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floating around accidental-like on a breeze, but I, I think maybe it's both. Maybe both is happening at the same time. I miss you, Jenny. If there's anything you need, I won't be far away.
Forrest Gump: He should not be hitting you, Jenny.
Forrest Gump: Lieutenant Dan. Ice cream
Forrest Gump: And cause I was a gazillionaire, and I liked doin it so much, I cut that grass for free.
Forrest Gump: I gotta save Bubba!
2b Forrest Gump ffb : Her dream had come true. She was a folk singer.
Forrest Gump: When I was in China on the All-American Ping Pong team, I just loved playing ping-pong with my Flexolite ping pong paddle.
Forrest Gump: Mama says they was magic shoes. They could take me anywhere.
Lieutenant Daniel Taylor: Have you found Jesus yet, Gump?
Forrest Gump: I didn't know I was supposed to be looking for him, sir.
Forrest Gump: Lieutenant Dan, what are you doing here?
Lieutenant Daniel Taylor: I'm here to try out my sea legs.
Forrest Gump: But you ain't got no legs, Lieutenant Dan.
Lieutenant Daniel Taylor: [mildly irritated, but understanding] Yes... yes, I know that. You wrote me a letter, you idiot!
Jenny Curran: Do you think I could fly off this bridge, Forrest?
Forrest Gump: What do you mean, Jenny?
Jenny Curran: Nothing.
Forrest Gump: Mama always said life was like a box a chocolates, never know what you're gonna get.
[Forrest has finished assembling his rifle]
Drill Sergeant: GUUUUUUMP! Why did you put that weapon together so quickly, Gump?
Forrest Gump: [confused] You told me to, Drill Sergeant?
Drill Sergeant: Jesus H. Christ!
[looks at stopwatch]
Drill Sergeant: This is a new company record! If it wouldn't be such a waste of a damn-fine enlisted man I'd recommend you for OCS! You are gonna be a general someday, Gump, now disassemble your weapon and continue!
Bubba: Anyway, like I was sayin', shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. Dey's uh, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There's pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich. That- that's about it.
Bubba: Have you ever been on a shrimp boat?
Forrest Gump: No, but I've been on a real big boat.
Forrest Gump: Now you wouldn't believe me if I told you, but I could run like the wind blows. From that day on, if I was ever going somewhere, I was running!
[repeated line]
Forrest Gump: Stupid is as stupid does.
Forrest Gump: Mama said stupid is what stupid does.
Pvt. Dallas from Phoenix: [Forrest is watching "Gomer Pyle U.S.M.C."] Gump, how can you watch that stupid shit? Turn it off.
Forrest Gump: You know it's funny what a young man recollects? 'Cause I don't remember bein' born. I don't recall what I got for my first Christmas and I don't know when I went on my first outdoor picnic. But I do remember the first time I heard the sweetest voice in the wide world.
Mrs. Gump: Life's a box of chocolates, Forrest. You never know what you're gonna get.
Forrest Gump: Sometimes, I guess there's just not enough rocks.
Drill Sergeant: Gump! What's your sole purpose in this army?
Forrest Gump: To do whatever you tell me, drill sergeant!
Drill Sergeant: God damn it, Gump! You're a god damn genius! This is the most outstanding answer I have ever heard. You must have a goddamn I.Q. of 160. You are goddamn gifted, Private Gump. Listen up, people...
Forrest Gump: Now for some reason I fit in the army like one of them round pegs. It's not really hard. You just make your bed real neat and remember to stand up straight and always answer every question with "Yes, drill sergeant."
Drill Sergeant: ...Is that clear?
Forrest Gump: Yes, drill sergeant!
Fat Man at Bench: It was a bullet, wasn't it?
Forrest Gump: A bullet?
Fat Man at Bench: That jumped up and bit you.
Forrest Gump: Oh, yes sir. Bit me right in the buttocks. They said it was a million dollar wound, but the army must keep that money 'cause I still haven't seen a nickel of that million dollars.
Forrest Gump: I'm sorry I had to fight in the middle of your Black Panther party.
Bubba: My given name is Benjamin Buford Blue, but people call me Bubba. Just like one of them ol' redneck boys. Can you believe that?
Forrest Gump: My name's Forrest Gump. People call me Forrest Gump.
[first lines]
Forrest Gump: Hello. My name's Forrest, Forrest Gump. You want a chocolate?
Forrest Gump: I'm sorry I ruined your New Year's Eve party, Lieutenant Dan. She tasted like cigarettes.
Jenny Curran: His name's Forrest.
Forrest Gump: Like me.
Jenny Curran: I named him after his daddy.
Forrest Gump: He got a daddy named Forrest, too?
Jenny Curran: You're his daddy, Forrest.
Forrest Gump: When I got tired, I slept. When I got hungry, I ate. When I had to go, you know, I went.
Elderly Southern Woman on Park Bench: And so, you just ran?
Forrest Gump: Yeah.
Lieutenant Daniel Taylor: Where are you boys from in the world?
Forrest Gump, Bubba: Alab ff8 ama, sir!
Lieutenant Daniel Taylor: You twins?
Forrest Gump: No, we are not relations, sir.
Lieutenant Daniel Taylor: That's what all these cripples down at the VA talk about: Jesus this and Jesus that. They even had a priest come and talk to me. He said God is listening and if I found Jesus, I'd get to walk beside him in the kingdom of Heaven. Did you hear what I said? WALK beside him in the kingdom of Heaven! Well kiss my crippled ass. God is listening? What a crock of shit.
[repeated line]
Forrest Gump: That's all I have to say about that.
Forrest Gump: Hello. I'm Forrest, Forrest Gump.
Recruit Officer: Nobody gives a hunky shit who you are, pus ball. You're not even a low-life, scum-sucking maggot. Get your ass on the bus, you're in the army now!
Jenny Curran: Have you ever been with a girl, Forrest?
Forrest Gump: I sit next to them in my Home Economics class all the time.
John F. Kennedy: Congratulations, how do you feel?
Forrest Gump: I gotta pee.
John F. Kennedy: [turning to camera] I believe he said he had to go pee. Heh heh.
Lyndon B. Johnson: [Putting medal on Forrest] America owes you a debt of gratitude, son. Now I understand you were wounded. Where were you hit?
Forrest Gump: In the buttocks.
Lyndon B. Johnson: Oh that must be a site.
[Whispering to Forrest]
Lyndon B. Johnson: I'd like to see that.
[Forrest shows him; Johnson walks away embarrassed]
Lyndon B. Johnson: God damn, son.
Abbie Hoffman: Tell us a little bit about the war, man.
Forrest Gump: The war in Vietnam?
Abbie Hoffman: [to audience] War in Viet-Fucking-Nam!
[Audience cheers]
Richard M. Nixon: Therefore, I shall resign the presidency effective at noon tomorrow. Vice president Ford will be sworn into office at that hour in this office.
Forrest Gump: [in the Watergate hotel; on phone with security] Yeah, sir, you might want to send a maintenance man over to that office across the way. The lights are off, and they must be looking for a fuse box, 'cause them flashlights, they keep me awake.
[Forrest has just graduated from college]
Recruit Officer: Have you given any thought to your future, son?
Forrest Gump: "Thought"?
[Describing Vietnam]
Forrest Gump: We was always taking long walks, and we was always looking for a guy named "Charlie".
2b Forrest Gump ffb : The best thing about visiting the President is the food! Now, since it was all free, and I wasn't hungry but thirsty, I must've drank me fifteen Dr. Peppers.
Forrest Gump: [dejected] No shrimp.
Lieutenant Daniel Taylor: Where the Hell is this God of yours?
Forrest Gump: [narrating] It's funny Lieutenant Dan said that, 'cause right then, God showed up.
Forrest Gump: My Mama always said you've got to put the past behind you before you can move on.
[Forrest Gump referring to Apple Computer]
Forrest Gump: Lieutenant Dan got me invested in some kind of fruit company. So then I got a call from him, saying we don't have to worry about money no more. And I said, that's good! One less thing.
Bumper Sticker Guy: [running after Forrest] Hey man! Hey listen, I was wondering if you might help me. 'Cause I'm in the bumper sticker business and I've been trying to think of a good slogan, and since you've been such a big inspiration to the people around here I thought you might be able to help me jump into - WOAH! Man, you just ran through a big pile of dog shit!
Forrest Gump: It happens.
Bumper Sticker guy: What, shit?
Forrest Gump: Sometimes.
Forrest Gump: [running] I had run for 3 years, 2 months, 14 days, and 16 hours.
[he stops and turns around]
Young Man Running: Quiet, quiet! He's gonna say something!
Forrest Gump: [pause] I'm pretty tired... I think I'll go home now.
Dorothy Harris: Are you coming along?
Young Forrest Gump: Mama said not to be taking rides from strangers.
Dorothy Harris: This is the bus to school.
Young Forrest Gump: I'm Forrest, Forrest Gump.
Dorothy Harris: I'm Dorothy Harris.
Young Forrest Gump: Well, now we ain't strangers anymore.
[last lines]
Dorothy Harris: You understand this is the bus to the school, now, don'tcha?
Forrest Gump Jr.: Of course; and you're Dorothy Harris, and I'm Forrest Gump.
Jenny Curran: Were you scared in Vietnam?
Forrest Gump: Yes. Well, I-I don't know. Sometimes it would stop raining long enough for the stars to come out... and then it was nice. It was like just before the sun goes to bed down on the bayou. There was always a million sparkles on the water... like that mountain lake. It was so clear, Jenny, it looked like there were two skies one on top of the other. And then in the desert, when the sun comes up, I couldn't tell where heaven stopped and the earth began. It's so beautiful.
Jenny Curran: I wish I could've been there with you.
Forrest Gump: You were.
Old man in barbershop: That boy sure is a runnin' fool!
< ffb hr width="30%"> Forrest Gump: Mama always had a way of explaining things so I could understand them.
Forrest Gump: What's my destiny, Mama?
Mrs. Gump: You're gonna have to figure that out for yourself.
Forrest Gump: That day, for no particular reason, I decided to go for a little run. So I ran to the end of the road. And when I got there, I thought maybe I'd run to the end of town. And when I got there, I thought maybe I'd just run across Greenbow County. And I figured, since I run this far, maybe I'd just run across the great state of Alabama. And that's what I did. I ran clear across Alabama. For no particular reason I just kept on going. I ran clear to the ocean. And when I got there, I figured, since I'd gone this far, I might as well turn around, just keep on going. When I got to another ocean, I figured, since I'd gone this far, I might as well just turn back, keep right on going.
Forrest Gump: I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floatin' around accidental-like on a breeze. But I, I think maybe it's both.
Forrest Gump: In the land of China, people hardly got nothing at all.
John Lennon: No possessions?
Forrest Gump: And in China they never go to church.
John Lennon: No religion too?
Dick Cavett: Ah. Hard to imagine.
John Lennon: Well it's easy if you try, Dick.
Coach Bryant: That kid may be the stupidest son of a bitch I've ever seen, but damn he can run!
Mrs. Gump: Remember what I told you, Forrest. You're no different than anybody else is. Did you hear what I said, Forrest? You're the same as everybody else. You are no different.
Principal: Your boy's... different, Miz Gump. His IQ's 75.
Mrs. Gump: Well, we're all different, Mr. Hancock.
Mrs. Gump: Vacation's when you go somewhere... and you don't ever come back.
Jenny Curran: Do you ever dream, Forrest, about who you're gonna be?
Forrest Gump: Who I'm gonna be?
Jenny Curran: Yeah.
Forrest Gump: Aren't-aren't I going to be me?
Jenny Curran: You can't keep trying to rescue me all the time.
Forrest Gump: They was trying to grab you.
Jenny Curran: A lot of people try to grab me.
Jenny Curran: Can I have a ride?
Pickup-Truck Driver: Where are you going?
Jenny Curran: I don't care.
Forrest Gump: He was from a long great military tradition. Somebody from his family had fought and died in every single American war. I guess you could say he had a lot to live up to.
Forrest Gump: Lieutenant Dan was always getting these funny feelings about a rock or a trail or the road, so he'd tell us to get down, shut up.
Lieutenant Daniel Taylor: Get down! Shut up!
Forrest Gump: So we did.
[Forrest Gump listing some of his comrades]
Forrest Gump: There was Dallas, from Phoenix; Cleveland - he was from Detroit; and Tex... well, I don't remember where Tex come from.
[when the bullies from school were chasing him]
Jenny Curran: Run, Forrest! Run!
[Forrest is waiting with Forrest Jr. for the school bus on little Forrest's first day of school in Greenbow. The bus arrives and little Forrest is about to board it]
Forrest Gump: Forrest, don't...
[pause, then]
Forrest Gump: I just wanted to tell you I love you.
Forrest Gump Jr.: I love you too, Daddy.
Jenny Curran: Why are you so good to me?
Forrest Gump: You're my girl!
Jenny Curran: [pause] I'll always be your girl.
Forrest Gump: [to Jenny] They're sendin me to Vietnam...
[Jenny is dispondent]
Forrest Gump: ...It's this whole other Country
[Jenny has told Forrest that she has an incurable disease and the doctors don't know what to do]
Forrest Gump: You could come home with me, to my house in Greenbow, Jenny, you and little Forrest. If you're sick I'll take care of you.
Jenny Curran: Will you marry me, Forrest?
Forrest Gump: Okay...
Lieutenant Daniel Taylor: I never thanked you for saving my life.
Young Jenny Curran: You can sit next to me if ya want.
Lieutenant Daniel Taylor: [while being ambushed] You guys get that pig unfucked and get it ready!
Forrest Gump: So what are you doing in New York, Lt. Dan?
Lieutenant Daniel Taylor: I am living off the government tit! Sucking it dry!
Lieutenant Daniel Taylor: Get that pig unfucked and get it on the tree line!
Forrest Gump: [Forrest Narrating] Jenny taught me how to read. I taught her how to dangle.
Mrs. Gump: What's normal anyways?
Forrest Gump: She got the cancer and died on a Tuesday.
Lieutenant Daniel Taylor: I came to see if I could try out my sea legs.
2b Forrest Gump d2e : But Lieutenant Dan, you don't got any legs.
Principal: [after Mrs. Gump had been entertaining him] You're momma sure does care about your education, son.
Principal: [Forrest remains quiet] You don't say much do you?
Young Forrest Gump: [imitates the noises he has just heard] eh, eh, eh, eh, eh...
Forrest Gump: One day it started raining, and it didn't quit for four months. We been through every kind of rain there is. Little bitty stingin' rain... and big ol' fat rain. Rain that flew in sideways. And sometimes rain even seemed to come straight up from underneath.

1. Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get. (生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料)
2. There is an awful lot you can tell about a person by their shoes. (通过人家的鞋可以了解别人很多的东西)
3. Stupid is as stupid does. • (蠢人做蠢事,也可理解为傻人有傻福)
4. Don’t ever let anybody tell you they’re better than you. •(永远不要让任何人告诉你他们比你更好)
5. Dear God, make me a bird so I can fly far, far, far away from here •(亲爱的上帝,e799bee5baa6e4b893e5b19e362把我变成一只鸟,会飞的很远,很远,远离这里)
6. I don’t know why I love you. But I do. (我不知道我为什么爱你。但我做到了)
7. You are no different than anybody else is. (你和别人没有任何的不同)
8 There’s one item of G.I.gear that can be the difference between life and death. (大兵之间只有一种区别,就是活大兵与死大兵之别)
9. Lieutenant Dan was always getting these funny feelings about a rock or a trail or the road, so he’d tell us to get down, shut up!(丹中尉总是有些奇怪的感觉,一路上的风吹草
10.I guess Lieutenant Dan figured there’s some things you just can’t change. He didn’t want to be called crippled, just like I didn’t want to be called stupid.(我想丹中尉发现有些事你是无法改变的。他不想被称为残废的,就象我不想被称为傻瓜。)
I've heard tell of the existence of a legless bird inthe real world. A constant flutter in the space above constitutes its whole life.Prostrated with toil and strain, it just takes repose inthe wind. Throughout countless nights and days, only once will its body brushthe dust of the ground and that's the very time when it bids farewell to the world. 我听别人说这世界上有一种鸟是没有脚的,它只能够一直的飞呀飞呀,飞累了就在风里面睡觉,这种鸟一辈子只能下地一次,那一次就是它死亡的时候。 Never in my life would I erase from my mind the 60seconds right before 3 P.M. of April 16th, 1960, the transient period that you were with me.
It has become an irreversible fact that we did become friends as the minute had elapsed despite its evanescence.
从现在开始我们就是一分钟的朋友,这是事实,你改变不了,因为已经过去了。 I might have been consigned to his oblivion, or might not, but I would bear him in mind and always. 不知道他有没有因为我而记住那一分钟,但我7a64e58685e5aeb9335一直都记住这个人。
So there I was, in my mother's house, but she would never nod to meet me. Her maid told me that mother did not belong here any more, but to me, that was sheer pretext.
我终于来到亲生母亲的家了,但是她不肯见我,佣人说她已经不住这里了。 Upon leaving, I intuitively felt the gaze of someone fixed on my back, but stony enough, I never turned back. 当我离开这房子的时候,我知道身后有一双眼睛盯着我,但我是一定不会回头的。
Since the one who gave me birth frustrated my pining for just a look at her face, my revenge was to leave without ever looking back. 我只不过想见见她,看看她的样子,既然她不给我机会,我也一定不会给她机会。 Twilight is approaching, foreshadowing a nice day. What will the sunset be like has become another wonder of mine.
I have forecasted that I wouldn't figure out which woman on this planet was I devoted to even till the verylast minute of my life, but I start wondering what she was busy with at the moment.

1. Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get. (生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料)

2. Stupid is as stupid does. (蠢人做蠢事,也可理解为傻人有傻福)阿甘看似傻人,然而往往是那些自以为是自恃甚高的人做了傻事,所以看一个人是看他的行动而非外表。这是典型的阿甘用语。

3. Miracles happen every day. (奇迹每天都在发生)美国人的宗教信仰。阿甘受的时非常典型的美国教育。

4. Jenny and I was like peas and carrots.(我和珍妮形影不离) 豌豆和胡萝卜丁,一个圆的,一个方的;一个红的,一个绿的。它们的共同点虽然没有太大的味道但营养非常高。故但在美国烹饪时做为主食的点缀,而且它俩都是同时出现。故引申为形影不离。

5. Have you given any thought to your future?(你有没有为将来打算过呢)

6. You just stay away from me please.(求你离开我)

7. If you are ever in trouble, don’t try to be brave, just run, just run away.(你若遇上麻烦,不要逞强,你就跑,远远跑开)

8. It made me look like a duck in water.(它让我如鱼得水)

9. Death is just a part of life, something we’re all destined to do.(死亡是生命的一部分,是我们注定要做的一件事)

10. I was messed up for a long time.(这些年我一塌糊涂)

11. I don’t know if we each have a destiny, or if we’re all just floating around accidental—like on a breeze.(我不懂我们是否有着各自的命运,还是只是到处随风飘荡)

12.His back is as crooked as a politician.

13.There is an awful lot you can tell about a person by their shoes.Where they're going. Where they've been.

14.You are no different than anybody else is.

15.There must be someing can be done.

16. Son-of-bitch.

17.Sure as hell was.
绝对可信,铁板定钉了,敢以人格担保的可信,就是这种感觉。(象地狱那么真实?呵呵 WHO KNOWS!)

18.Ain't I going to be me?
我不能做我自己么?(JENY问他长大要做什么Have you given any thought to your future?(你有没有为将来打算过呢) 他很奇怪就问了这句。GUMP真的是白痴么?他的智商太高了!)

19.Nobody gives a horse's shit who you are,puss ball.

20.Get your maggoty ass on the bus.

21.That is the outstanding answer I've ever heard.

22.Just like that ,she was gone.

23.I do not know much about it ,but I think some of America's best young men served in this war.

24.A little of stinging rain,and big old fat rain.

25.There ain’t something you can find just around the corner.

26.The secret to this game is ,no matter what happens ,never ,ever take your eye off the ball.

27.Nothing just happens,it's all part of a plan.

28.army’s value=loyalt,duty, respect,selfless service,honor,ivtegrity,pessonal courage . 

29.There is one small step for a man,a giant leap for mankind.

30.A promise is a promise.(made a promise and keep a promise).
信守承诺。阿甘信守了承诺,最后也得到了最好的回报。(It's forrest's)

31.I am a man of my word.

32.Where the hell is this God of yours? 你的上帝他妈的在哪里?

33.There is only so much of fortune a man really neads and the rest is just for showing off.

34. You got to go when you got to go.
不得不去洗手间的时候,不得不去。(让我想起一首歌《whatever will be,will be.》又可以叫que sera, sera.)

35.Shit happens!

36.You have got to put the past behinde you before you can move on.

37.It was like just before the sun goes to bed down on the bayou.There was a million sparkles on the river..

38.If there is anything you need I will not be far away.

39.It's my time. It's just my time. Oh, now, don't you be afraid sweetheart. Death is just a part of life, something we're all destined to do. I didn't know it. But I was destined to be your momma. I did the best I could.


《阿甘正传》是由罗伯特·泽米吉斯执导的电影,由汤姆·汉克斯、罗宾·怀特等人主演,于1994年7月6日在美国上映。电影改编自美国作家温斯顿·格卢姆于1986年出版的同名小说,描绘了先天智障的小镇男孩福瑞斯特·甘自强不息,最终“傻人有傻福”地得到上天眷顾,在多个领域创造奇迹的励志故事 。电影上映后,于1995年获得奥斯卡最佳影片奖、最佳男主角奖、最佳导演奖等6项大奖 。





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