Background story Anubius of hu's head was responsible for the final judgment of the dead. Weigh the actual content of each heart. Dark god set wife nai di very want to have a child, but the saite infertility, so nai fu di disguised as saite brother Osiris' wife, ISIS, seduce Osiris. Anubis is the son of two men. Osiris treated anubis as his own. When Osiris was killed by his evil brother, Seth, anubis put his father in his heart and made him a mummy, keeping him from rotting. This preservation of the corpse was handed down among believers, because if it was good to god, it must be good for people. Everyone passes through anubis before entering the abyss of hell. If the body is mummified, he is the corpse officer who will prevent the corpse from decaying. When the final judgment comes, he is the final arbiter. In his country, he runs a legendary scale. On one side is truth and order, and the heart of the dead. If the weight of the real and the order is heavier than the heart, anubis will break the man's soul into the dark abyss of the underworld. The soul that is there is forever forgotten and never lived.