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第81届奥斯卡颁奖典礼主持词 休 杰克曼的开场词







黑人喜剧明星主持是克里斯·洛克Chris Rock



1."Welcome to the 77th and last Academy Awards," he began after a standing ovation.

He took jabs at a number of celebrities, making a distinction between "stars" and everybody else -- including himself.

"After I made 'Pootie Tang,' Cuba Gooding sent me a check for $80," he said, several lines after knocking Gooding for "Boat Trip."

He also noted the two movies that caused the most discussion in 2004 -- "Fahrenheit 9/11" and "The Passion of the Christ" -- and the difficulty the latter faced in getting made.

"They've made six 'Police Academys' and nobody wanted to make 'The Passion of the Christ'?" he asked.

In a taped segment, Rock also went to a local Magic Johnson theater to get the thoughts of everyday black moviegoers. Among the picks: "Alien vs. Predator," "Saw" and "The Chronicles of Riddick."

A kicker: comedian Albert Brooks giving a thumbs-up to "White Chicks."

But if ABC was concerned about Rock -- who was rather restrained -- perhaps the network should have paid more attention to its pre-show hosts.

In between promoting designers and raving about the competition, celebrities had to listen to some very odd -- and even insulting -- questions.

"Before you were a movie star, you were a serious actor," said ABC's Chris Connelly to Orlando Bloom.

2.“All right! Sit your a---- down!” he shouted after walking on stage in a white tie and tux and receiving a standing ovation from many in the star-studded crowd.

Then he let ’e68a84e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94361em have it.

His main point: Filmmakers should wait for better talent instead of rushing bad movies into theaters.

“Clint Eastwood’s a star, OK? Tobey Maguire’s just a boy in tights,” Rock joked.

“You want Tom Cruise and all you can get is Jude Law? Wait. You want Russell Crowe and all you can get is Colin Farrell? Wait. ‘Alexander’ is not ‘Gladiator.”’

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But Rock wasn’t afraid to include himself in that assessment.

“You want Denzel (Washington) and all you can get is me? Wait,” he joked. “Denzel’s a fine actor. He woulda never made ‘Pootie Tang.”’

One actor snapped back, though.

Sean Penn, taking the stage to present the best-actress Oscar, took time to defend Law as “one of our finest actors.”

Then he introduced the category by saying, “What Jude and all other talented actors know is that for every great, talented actor, there are five actresses who are nothing short of magic.”

Backstage, Rock shrugged off the remarks and said he and Penn had talked.

“He said ’cause he’s working with Jude on a movie right now he felt the need to ... I don’t know,” Rock said. “It’s kinda funny.”




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