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求口袋妖怪白金BT版rom 网上的都失效了



口袋妖怪只能存在一个存档 所以楼主要把原来的存档删掉

1。正常在游戏里删档 在开机的界面的时候同时摁下“select+上+B”之后就会进入蓝色的删copy档画面











 Pokegen 口袋妖怪存档修改器 3.1.13  完全汉化版



3.1.13 - February 16, 2013

ADDED: Windows XP support

3.1.12 - February 16, 2013

FIXED: The trashbyte fixes were relegated to JUST gen 3 pokes.

3.1.11 - February 16, 2013

FIXED: Trashbyte issues relating to gen 3 PalParking.

CHANGED: Updated all location names for the worldwide Black 2/White 2 release.

3.1.10 - August 11, 2012

ADDED: To help blind users, Pokemon icons are now able to be tabbed through and have text associated with them for screen readers.  There are also special keyboard "commands" that can be given to them when one is focused.  Enter will view the Pokemon's data, shift + enter will set the data, delete (not backspace) will delete the Pokemon, and the space bar will toggle whether or not it's selected.

ADDED: You can now choose the language to force save states to load as.

FIXED: Generation 4 Pokedex code generation had the caught and seen data reversed.

FIXED: The Pokedex language flags were always being forced to have the program's language if no flags were set.  Apparently ALL of the games set it to 0 upon first seeing the Pokemon.  (Thanks to MicroChip for making me question this.)

FIXED: Meloetta's forms weren't available. (Found by Mordecai.)

FIXED: Generation 4 Wonder Cards that weren't in the first slot were being re-enabled upon saving. (Found by bmn13.)

FIXED: Switching from Black/White to Black 2/White 2, or the opposite, was causing problems with the Pokedex data. (Thanks to Draco856.)

FIXED: Save states from a language other than the one the program is using weren't loading as intended.  Now, they'll fail to load, rather than using invalid data.  This allows you to tell the program how to load it. (Thanks to Critical Tiger.)

CHANGED: Keldeo's form names have been updated to the official English names.  The Japanese ones were also updated to use Japanese text as intended. (Thanks to Guested for the Japanese help.)

CHANGED: The next release of PokeGen will require a manual update.  The update system has been modified to reflect this and will notify you when it's available.

3.1.9 - July 2, 2012

FIXED: Generation 5 item data wasn't being fully written, causing a limited number of items per bag to be saved.  (Found by turtlemark.)

FIXED: C-Gear erasing was still occurring as a result of some data not being set the way it was supposed to be.  (Hopefully that's the last of it.)

CHANGED: When the target game is set to a generation 4 game, the C-Gear tool will be disabled. (Thanks to rush2802 for reminding me.)




  • 求口袋妖怪白金BT版rom 网上的都失效了

  • 广东在线游戏网游戏资讯
  • 口袋妖怪只能存在一个存档 所以楼主要把原来的存档删掉1。正常在游戏里删档 在开机的界面的时候同时摁下“select+上+B”之后就会进入蓝色的删copy档画面2。比较方便的删档方法模拟器


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