您的位置:广东在线游戏网 > 游戏资讯 > 007系列电影 黄金眼的 主题曲,求高手翻译歌词?-007系列电影 黄金眼的 主题曲,求高手翻译歌词?求大神帮助

007系列电影 黄金眼的 主题曲,求高手翻译歌词?-007系列电影 黄金眼的 主题曲,求高手翻译歌词?求大神帮助



1、 《诺博士》 1962年/肖恩·康纳利zhidao
2、 《来自俄罗斯的爱情》1963年/肖恩·康纳利
3、 《金手指》 1964年/肖恩·康纳利
4、 《霹雳弹》 1965年/肖恩·康纳利
5、 《雷霆谷》 1967年/肖恩·康纳利
6、 《女王密使》1969年/乔治·拉兹比
7、 《金刚钻》 1971年/肖恩·康纳利
8、 《生死关头》1973年/罗杰·摩尔
9、 《金枪人》 1974年/罗杰·摩尔
10、《海底城》 1977年/罗杰·摩尔
11、《太空城》 1979年/罗杰·摩尔
13、《八爪女》 1983年/罗杰·摩尔
17、《黄金眼》 1995年/皮尔斯·布鲁斯南

我盯着水中的倒影 See reflections on the water
竟然比黑暗还要深 more than darkness in the depths
看着他的每个影子 see him surface in every shadow
在风里寻他的气息 on the wind I feel his breath

黄金眼,助我找到他缺点 Goldeneye I found his weakness
黄金眼,让他做到我所求 Goldeneye he'll do what I please
黄金眼,甜蜜的时刻已至 Goldeneye a time for sweetness
但一个苦吻就会让他屈服 but a bitter kiss will bring him to his knees

You'll never know how I watched you from the shadows as a child
you'll never know how it feels to be the one who's left behind
You'll never know the days, the nights, the tears, the tears I've cried

but now my time has come and time, time is not on your side

看他在烟雾与镜子中穿越 See him move through smoke and mirrors
总从人群中发现他的存在 feel his presence in the crowd
别的女孩聚集在他的身旁 other girls they gather around him
若他是我的就没机会外出 if I had him I wouldn't let him out

黄金眼,不是花边与皮革 Goldeneye not lace or leather
黄金链,总是伴随他出现 Golden chains take him to the spot
黄金眼,我会永远给他看 goldeneye I'll show him forever
它让我清晰看到自己所得 it'll take forever to see what I've got

You'll never know how I watched you from the shadows as a child
you'll never know how it feels to be so close and be denied

这个金子蜜糖陷阱 It's a gold and honey trap
我特意为你准备的 I've got for you tonight
报复的吻决不错过 Revenge it's a kiss, this time I won't miss
此刻我就在你身旁 now I've got you in my sight
带着一双黄金眼… With a Goldeneye, golden, goldeneye
黄金眼啊黄金眼… with a goldeneye, goldeneye.

Tina Turner Golden Eye Lyrics (BONO/THE EDGE) 我盯着水中的倒影 See reflections on the water 竟然比黑暗还要深 more than darkness in the depths 看着他的每个影子 see him surface in every shadow 在风里寻他的气息 on the wind I feel his breath 黄金眼,助我找到他缺点 Goldeneye I found his weakness 黄金眼,让他做到我所求 Goldeneye he'll do what I please 黄金眼,甜蜜的时刻已至 Goldeneye a time for sweetness 但一个苦吻就会让他屈服 but a bitter kiss will bring him to his knees 你永不知儿时我如何在阴影中望着你 You'll never know how I watched you from the shadows as a child 你永不知那种被别人抛下的孤独感觉 you'll never know how it feels to be the one who's left behind 你永不知日日夜夜,我所流下的眼泪 You'll never know the days, the nights, the tears, the tears I've cried 但现在时刻已到了,我不会站你身侧 but now my time has come and time, time is not on your side 看他在烟雾与镜子中穿越 See him move through smoke and mirrors 总从人群中发现他的存在 feel his presence in the crowd 别的女孩聚集在他的身旁 other girls they gather around him 若他是我的就没机会外出 if I had him I wouldn't let him out 黄金眼,不是花边与皮革 Goldeneye not lace or leather 黄金链,总是e68a84e8a2ad7a686964616f363伴随他出现 Golden chains take him to the spot 黄金眼,我会永远给他看 goldeneye I'll show him forever 它让我清晰看到自己所得 it'll take forever to see what I've got 你永不知儿时我如何在阴影中望着你 You'll never know how I watched you from the shadows as a child 你永不知那种被接近继而否认的难受 you'll never know how it feels to be so close and be denied 这个金子蜜糖陷阱 It's a gold and honey trap 我特意为你准备的 I've got for you tonight 报复的吻决不错过 Revenge it's a kiss, this time I won't miss 此刻我就在你身旁 now I've got you in my sight 带着一双黄金眼… With a Goldeneye, golden, goldeneye 黄金眼啊黄金眼… with a goldeneye, goldeneye.





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