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There are two rabbits in the wood. They are good friends. They go to find food together. They go to school together. They do all the things together. But there is only one thing they do it by oneself. What is it? Do you know? They don’t eat together. Because one of the rabbits is a toy rabbit.
问题1.how many rabbits are there in this story?
there are two.
问题2.do the rabbits go to school together?
yes, they do.
问题3.where are the rabbits now?
they are in the wood.
问题4.do the rabbits like apples?
sorry, we don't know.
问题5.do they eat together?
no, they don't.

Father had a family of sons who were
perpetually quarrelling among themselves. When he failed to heal their disputes
by his exhortations, he determined to give them a practical illustration of the
evils of disunion; and for this purpose he one day told them to bring him a
bundle of sticks. When they had done so, he placed the faggot into the hands of
each of them in succession, and ordered them to break it in pieces. They each
tried with all their strength, and were not able to do it.
He next unclosed
the faggot, and took the sticks separately, one by one, and again put them into
their hands, on which they broke them easily. He then addressed them in these
words: “My sons, if you are of one mind, and unite to assist each other, you
will be as this faggot, uninjured by all the attempts of your enemies; but if
you are divided among yourselves, you will be broken as easily as these

龟兔赛跑("The Turtle and the Rabbit Run a Race," )
One day a turtle was crawling slowly down a path in the shady woods. Along came a rabbit, kicking up his heels happily as he ran. He passed the turtle, and then he stopped for a moment.
"Good morning, turtle," said the rabbit. "Where are you going?"
"I am on my way to the river," said the turtle, as he crawled slowly along.
"Ho, ho!7a686964616fe4b893e5b19e336 Ho, ho!" laughed the rabbit. "You9;ll never reach the river if you crawly along in the slow way. You ought to try hopping along fast, for a change. That's the way to get to the river in a hurry."
"I can't hop like you," said the turtle. "I can only crawl. But I'll get to the river just the same, and perhaps I'll get there before your do."
"Ho, ho, ho!" laughed the rabbit. "Do you really think that you can beat me? Shall we have a race?"
"I don't mind if we do," answered the turtle. "And maybe I'll win."
Away they went. The turtle crawled slowly along the path, but the rabbit kicked up his heels and hopped so fast that he left the slow turtle far behind.
Then the foolish rabbitmade a big mistake. He was tired and out of breath, and so he sat down to rest.He fell fast sleep!
"I'm almost at the river," he said with a yawn. "That slow turtle can't win this race. I'll take a little nap."He felt so comfortable.
The rabbit lay down in the shade of a bush, and soon he was fast asleep.
The turtle kept crawling along. It looked as if he didn't have a chance to win, for the rabbit was so far ahead that he was out of sight.
But the turtle never stopped crawling. He didn't get out of breath, and he did not stop to rest. Slowly but surely he crawled along.
After a while he passed the rabbit, who was taking his nap in the sade of a bush.
"Oho, what luck!" said the turtle, with a little chuckle. "When that foolish rabbit wakes up from his nap, he won't think he's so clever. I'll fool him yet."
After a long nap the rabbit woke up. He did not know that the turtle had passed him. So he said with a yawm, "I might as well go to the river and wait for him to come crawling along."
Down to the river he went, kicking up his heels happily. But when he got there, he was so surprised that he stood rightup on his hind legs. There on the bank of the river was the turtle!
"I can't understand how in the world you got here first," cried the rabbit. "How did you do it?"
"By crawling along slowly but surely," said the turtle. "That's the way to win. I may be slow, but I am sure."




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