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1. I'm at the edge of collapse.

2. I am close to having a breakdown.

3. I am on the verge of a breakdown.

4. I'll be crazy.

5. I am  verging on a breakdown.


Cause great loss

In the United States, 1980 "deregulation and monetary institutions Control Act" and the 1982 "Namanga St. Chaman deposit-taking institutions Act" has put forth, breaking the United States for decades to come between the different financial institutions, strictly business restrictions, savings institutions and commercial banks tend to the difference between extinction. November 1999, the United States Senate and House of Representatives passed the "1999 Financial Services Act," the 1933 repeal of the "Gelashishidigeer law," and completely end of the banking, securities, insurance and the operation management of the situation indicates that the financial industry to a new era of mixed operations. "Gelashishidigeer Act" in the United States since 1929 and the financial collapse of the world economic crisis in 1933 and promulgated. Morgan was famous dismantled into banks JP Morgan and Morgan Stanley. However, as economic development, it is increasingly seriously limits a bank's business development and innovation, limit the financial industry operating mechanism and efficiency.
In the United Kingdom, in 1979 promulgated the "Banking Law" gradual elimination of the commercial banks and BIS differences, 1986 October 27 future, the commercial banks can intervene securities trading, the British professional financial system tends to disintegration. Australia from 1980, the deregulation of the financial institutions limiting the scope of the business to commercial banks and savings banks disappearance of the distinction, and to allow them to engage in securities business. 1981, Japan, "Bank Law" stipulates that commercial banks can operate bonds, local government bonds, government bonds, and other business-pay, securities companies began to infiltrate the traditional business of banks. Canada 1987 relaxed legislation on financial institutions in limiting the scope of the business, leading to the country's securities companies mostly held by the commercial banks, some commercial banks set up branches began operating certain business.
In developing countries, in the 1990s, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay and other Latin American countries through the bill, the privatization of state-owned policy banks, while allowing some state-owned banks and private banks mixed operations test, investment banks and commercial can be cross-banking business, bonds can be traded in the securities business, and commercial banks can conduct business. Asia, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and other countries and regions also have begun to relax restrictions on business operations, to a certain extent allowed banks to engage in securities, insurance, commercial banks can operate bonds, local government bonds, the bonds pay-trading securities Bank companies began to infiltrate the business. At present, these countries and regions operating liberalization reform is still in its preliminary stage, the limitation measures Mixed Operation

[网络] Crash Proof; Great Crash;
The links between the great crash and the great depression have always been controversial.




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